five drabble… ficlet…things?

May 18, 2012 19:52

WIPs turned drabbly things, basically. (They were supposed to make up a week of drabbly things on Tumblr, but there are only five and... it’s been more than a week.)

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who.

Pastime. River/Eleven. G. Drabble. (x)
one )

fic, c: amy, c: eleven, p: eleven/amy, p: doctor/river, p: eleven/river, fic: doctor who, c: river

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Comments 4

lonewytch May 18 2012, 20:21:46 UTC
Wonderful, perfect drabbles in your totally unique style! I adored every single one of them, from funny, to poignant to sad. My favourite is the last, though. Because...oh, River.


honeynoir May 20 2012, 14:03:21 UTC
Thank you so much! The last one is my favourite too...


easytheretyger May 18 2012, 21:54:34 UTC
These are fab, I loved them all. Especially the Gamma Forest one. I was thinking about Gamma Forest yesterday and about Flesh Doctor today.

I love how much you can convey in so few words.


honeynoir May 20 2012, 14:01:59 UTC
Great minds? And the Gamma Forest is all kinds of interesting.

Thank you!


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