1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to
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Comments 14
and I dont like that idea... King just in his club?? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I'll miss him... (and his tiny butt) =( I dont want that... he is the KING!
xD its $1 million, isnt?
Are you in a diet too? xD CHOKALE!
ahaha n_n!
1 million... is infact, 1 million XDDDDDD
yes, always on a diet, wahhhhhh~!
Yeah u_u I was in the "cabbage diet" but I haven't loose wight xD (i mean, yeah I did, but not much <.<) and now I HATE the cabbage x(
I could not do the cabbage thing o____o;;; *barfs*
I have done the master clense, which helps, but also makes you weak :/
2.) If Takanori asked you to be his personal assistant but you had to watch him be with other girls, would you do it?
3.)What was the high-light of your day?
4.) If I needed it, would you give me a kidney?
5.) If you had to choose: over grown arm pit hair or over grown pube hair??
1) What is your ALL TIME favorite DJ OZMA song.
2) If you had to pick only one to save from burning in a fire would it be King or Pancho?
3) If you knew a particular person would at some point break your heart, would you still agree to dating them?
4) What's your favorite color?
5) How do you like men's undies: BOXERS or BREIFS XDDD
have fun!!!
(The comment has been removed)
2) if it was between moving to japan for a few months already paid or getting to do hair in NY Fashion week for stages which would you pick?
3) at this very moment are you happy?
4) Favorite sex position ?? (every one on my list gets asked something way too personal XD)
5) What's your favorite make up brand??
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