
Oct 20, 2012 16:41

I have this red t-shirt with an old-school model of an atom on it, and it just says "SCIENCE" in big letters, and one day this woman complimented me on it and said:

"I really like your shirt. Is it from The Big Bang Theory?"

I said, "No."


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Comments 24

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honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 21:02:41 UTC
How dare you mock my pain??!

Just kidding. I get it. Trust me, I really, really get it. -_-;


sparrow_lately October 20 2012, 21:04:39 UTC
If it makes you feel any better, I recently had to explain that BBC Sherlock was, in fact, based on a book series...*facepalm*


honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 21:07:44 UTC
Oh god I just felt a physical pain right through my chest.

I...I hope at least the person you were talking to was under 12.

That's worse than people bitching about 'covers' of songs that are actually the original versions. It's like they go out of their way to be as uninformed about reality as possible. Criminy.

*clutches chest in agony*


sparrow_lately October 20 2012, 21:13:53 UTC
I love Jimi like life itself, but it hurts my heart when people insist he wrote "All Along the Watchtower." (I adore the Dylan version--to the extent I use it as a lullaby sometimes.)

This person was not under 12. They were about my age. I wanted to cry. *clutches books to chest*


honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 21:17:44 UTC



Wow. That is so desperately, terribly sad. There are no words.

I bet you they knew who Snooki is though.



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honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 22:00:59 UTC
Why must you hurt me this way?

Oh! I once closed out a fic without reading the first line because it gave credit for a Joni Mitchell song to...crap, I forget. Tori Amos or somebody.

I'm still pissed about it if you can't tell.


embroiderama October 21 2012, 03:19:55 UTC
DUDE. I did the same thing, though I forget what the song/writer was. I get saying that you have the cover by whoever in mind, but the song is still BY SOMEBODY ELSE. *facepalms*

The funniest original-mistaken-for-cover incident I can remember was back in the 90s when the Frente cover of Bizarre Love Triangle was recent. I was in the car with my mom (I was college age) and she said, "I can't believe this song has been remade ALREADY!" I was like LOLOMG MOM! It was awesome.


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honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 21:59:05 UTC
That's my feeling as well. I...tried to watch an episode once and didn't make it ten minutes.

The laugh track sure as hell didn't help.


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honeylocusttree October 20 2012, 22:21:57 UTC

Someday our society won't incessantly mock geeks and nerds and the like just for being themselves, but honestly I think that day is still way the hell off in the future. *sigh*


quickreaver October 20 2012, 23:38:07 UTC
Oh, world. There was life before pop culture. Hell, before television.


honeylocusttree October 21 2012, 19:15:42 UTC
Whaaaat? Nooooooo....

But i do feel like one of the side effects of storing our collective memory online is that people don't retain or know as much random trivia as they should. Or maybe it's just that I'm obsessed with knowing random crap nobody else knows...

But people should accept that some women just want to wear science shirts because they like science. And not because of tha teevee.


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