Advertisements are kind of my guilty pleasure. There's something very sleazy about the idea of them, but nonetheless when I see pretty picture in the pages of a glossy magazine, I can't help but be drawn to them. Especially when there's a familiar face. Often times I find the advertorial photography to be more enticing than the actual fashion editorials featured in some magazines. So, this is my ode to some of my favorite... or simply more "memorable" celebrity endorsements. The images are in no particular order.
I cannot help but hear Carrie Bradshaw wistfully exclaiming "Lovely!" whenever I see these.
Jennifer Connelly's look perfectly compliments Balenciaga's structural designs. Also love the oddly positioned furniture in here.
Keira Knightley exudes "demure", a description befitting of anything related to Chanel.
These simple photographs, taken by Annie Liebovitz, take me back to Britney's bubble-gum glory days.
I know they are cheesy as hell, but for some reason they always appealed to me.
She's not a super-celebrity, but Jane is both talented and gorgeous and I like shoes hanging from trees.
These girls are so perfectly casted for this brand/perfume, it's ridiculous. I love them all.
Emma's Burberry campaigns are further evidence that she's no longer a little girl. Also, Emma Watson makes any picture look amazing. 'Nuff said.
I have no idea what Ed Westwick has to do with tennis shoes, but I'm not complaining.
There's not much I can say about Lindsay Lohan, but I love the treatment/lighting of this shoot. It makes me think of candy!
I don't really associate Jill Stuart with coked-up party-girls but nonetheless, there's something appealing about how polished Jill' dresses are and how unpolished the rest of LiLo is. Also, I want that first dress on the left really bad. I just wish I had the boobs to wear it.
Once again, I don't know what crazy wigs, space girls, and giant women have to do with vodka, except... oh, wait, I think I have a few ideas.
I'm bias because this is my scent, but Camilla makes a great quirky, free-spirited princess.
Black and white, plus simple but effective uses of color equals lots of impact.
Miu Miu shoots always have something delightfully "off" about them. I love this Doll-like depiction of Kirsten Dunst, and the fact that she looks just a bit wicked.
More Miu Miu! I love this series because this is when I started to take Katie Holmes seriously as a fashion ingenue and saw that she had long since graduated from being Joey Potter.
Speaking of people growing up, this is when I realized Josh Hartnett was now man and no longer teen heartthrob.
Before Rachel Bilson became the darling of Brian Reyes and Zac Posen, she was... a bongo girl! DUN DUN DUN. Though not the most chic, I think it's appropriate because it was so befitting to season one Summer Roberts.
Smart pose, shows off bag really well, plus some leg while she's at it.
The best ads are the ones that bring two unsuspected but befitting celebrities together. Such as Elijah Wood, Shirley Manson, and quirky glasses brand Oliver Peoples.
Because nothing is more Americana than MK+A
Platinum blonde hair, cherry red lips, and black and white stripes... there's something awesomely graphic about Gwen.
GUH. Aside from just hotness, there is super DIVERSE hotness. No seriously, I love all of this so much.
Speaking of Cullens, award for most "WTF" campaign goes to Ashley Greene and LifeWater. I don't know whose genius idea it was but it is definitely interesting to look at... after I get over the idea of photoshopping nipples out.
Julianne's still got it and I love the lush colors and reference to old paintings.
Maggie is the best kind of seductress.
Aside from the lovely coincidence of both Ed & Leight doing sneaker campaigns, I love this because thanks to Reebok and Lady Foot Locker, I got to meet Leighton!
I like how in the same campaign, Patrick can look like a suit, a nerd, and a bad boy.
What does beauty portraiture featuring a pretty asian girl have to do with cars? I don't know.
Like how Rachel had Bongo, Mischa had Keds. Back then she was clean, crisp, and cool looking... and not a coked up disaster. I loved this whole campaign, and I want old Mischa back!
Marion + Dior = Perfection.
Holy Photoshop Filters, Batman! (I still like it, nonetheless...)
But this one is better.
I like this because it gave us the armpit shaving picture... one of my favorite Franco pictures of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Although I don't think these photographs showcase the Make-Up, like... at all, the lighting is still stunning and the attitude of the girls is most certainly "glam".
I love the Marc Jacobs campaign's simple but slightly off-beat photography. Even better is seeing Posh in the most ridiculous scenarios (i.e. stuck in a giant shopping bag).
Even better? MIA for Marc Jacobs. Bitch is fierce.
Not crazy about the bags, but I do like Lily paying homage to Audrey, and I do like designers who (supposedly) take their own campaign photographs (I'm looking at you, Karl).
The coloring in this campaign is just... GUH. I love it.
Possibly one of my favorite collections of portraits. I love the platinum hair, washed out make-out, and that DRESS. I fantasized about owning that olive colored dress when I first saw these pictures, so many years ago...
Who doesn't love The Gap ads? I love their mix of well-known and obscure celebrities. Not to mention Amy Poehler and Will Arnett OMGCUTE.
What's up with all campaigns aimed towards being men being black + white? No, seriously?
I love Uniqlo. I love Chloe. That is all.
I really can't see a more ideal fit for Pleasures than Gwenyth's classic, clean, traditionally pretty look. I mean that in a good way, too.
Lily referenced Audrey while Scarlett emulated Marilyn.
Fierce-looking girl in clothes; nothing new, but I love the bold colors in these photographs anyway.
I love the Marie Antoinette theme going on here.
Stunning portraiture, and for a good cause no less! I'm impressed with this campaign's longevity.
Yay! A men's campaign that's actually in COLOR! I believe these were short by Mr. Ford himself, too.
Last but not least... stunning.