
Mar 06, 2017 09:15

Title: So You Think You Can Tell (Pt. 11)
Pairing: Casey/OMC (??), C/Z (past...ish)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Don't own!
Synopsis: Sometimes, moving on doesn't mean moving *apart*.

He doesn’t hide things as well as he thinks he does. )

so you think you can tell

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Comments 2

verangel March 6 2017, 15:42:32 UTC
Yes!!!! I'm so glad they are besties instead! You made me hungry for an omelet AND cake pop. I love them. It was really nice to think that maybe Thomas was Jeremy's Zeke. That Zeke is his hero. Jeremy was so level headed and decent. Even saying that Zeke loves Casey in an obvious way but not feeling jealous about it. He showed so much respect to Casey and visa versa. I was almost a titch worried when Casey was thinking he'd never felt this comfortable and close to Jeremy before. Like he was getting into Jeremy more. But then it turned to the fact it was because they realized they were too different and Jeremy was making them "besties". (Lol). On to the next two chapters and hopefully in the direction I want badly. Hugs and love this and you. Xoxoxo v


honeyandvinegar March 6 2017, 15:45:02 UTC
Oh, babykins... there's only ONE chappie after this. And y'know... Imma post it like, right... the hell... now. You so, so deserve it. Your enthusiasm and excitement keeps my blood a'flowin'. *LOVE*!


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