What you are about to read is ALL MY CO-WORKER J'S FAULT.
The station we mainly listen to at work,
Mix 93.1, is a pop-station. After listening to Ke$ha's 'Tik Tok', a discussion ensued. After talking about the song and how I hate it/the only reason he likes it is because a hawt gurl once sang it in a different, cool way so he always thinks of it
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Comments 6
Now that I've seen the video I think I'll crawl back under my rock.
Debbie Gibson is certainly no slutbag! She's a fine example for Frodo to follow, lol! As for Lady Gaga - it's probably just as well that Zeke adjusted the radio at that point. *g*
Bravo - this is fab!
ROTF! That was hilarious and simply great! Never laughed that hard for a long long time. Love Freke!
And YOU!
Happy Zasey-day, sweetheart!
*hugs tighter than tight*
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