Title: The first time
marquisdRating: PG
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Word Count: 824
Summary: Missing scene from Half Blood Prince Film version i.e. how the hospital scene continues as it happened in the film not the book. Note any events mentioned that happened previously to the timeframe of the movie is more likely to reflect how it happened in the book.
Hermione barely looked up as Harry shut the door to the hospital wing, just enough of a glance to know that she was alone with Ron. She could feel the flush in her cheeks slowly cool and disappear. 'What must Professor McGonagall have thought?' Hermione thought to herself. 'Not to mention Dumbledore and Professor Snape,' but when she looked down at Ron she didn't care. More than once over the past three months she had asked herself how had she managed to do something so foolish as to fall completely in love with Ronald Weasley. TSomewhat to her chagrin she realised the answer is about 3 hours after she had first decided that she hated Ron more than anyone in the world. Her gifted memory could easily recall the tone of derision in his voice five years ago, mocking her after Charms class. He was rubbing her nose in the fact that she didn't have any friends. He hadn't known how hard it had been for her in the Muggle world. Rabbit teeth and bushy hair not to mention all the strange things that kept happening around her before she discovered that she was a witch. She had been alone, when she came to Hogwarts she though-hoped-dreamed people would understand her, that she wasn't a freak. He didn't know that he had broken the fragile defenses she had been building as the other girls in her dormitory had been pairing up into friendships, but he did and she hated him for it.
Then the troll came and she thought she was done for, but Ron had saved her. He cast Wingardium leviosa the spell that she helped explain to him and knocked the troll out with its own club.
Hermione had read about Harry Potter before going to Hogwarts. She knew what he meant to the Wizarding world in an abstract way, the dry facts of what little had been known, but didn't know what that felt like. Ron's actions was something she felt. Harry Potter had been the hero to everyone else, but Ron Weasley had been hers.
She hadn't realised it then of course. There had been distractions, Lockhart for one. She flushed again as she remembered just how silly she had been that year. Victor of course. She did like Victor, he was smart and surprisingly sweet, but while he made her smile, he had never really made her laugh.
And he never saved her from a troll when she was 12.
"llhrr" Ron moaned. Hermione stiffened half afraid he was going to start moaning Lavender's name.
"Herrrr miii neee" Ron mumble. "Mm sor eee....."
"It's alright Ron," Hermione said, her voice catching. "I forgive you, I always do you insufferable prat." Hermione paused before she finally asked the question she had been afraid to ask. "Why Lavender? Of all the girls in the school why did you choose her?" Hermione knew she was being a little unfair as she said it, that Lavender had been the one who made the first move. Lavender Brown had a Gryfinndor's bravery all right when it comes to throwing herself at whatever boy had caught her fancy.
"But you kissed her back, then you brought her down to rub what you did in my face. How could you not know what that would do to me?" The irony sickened her, she had told Ginny last year to let Harry go for the time being. He would come around once she stopped acting so skittish around him and more like the girl that Dean Thomas asked Hermione about. Hermione's advice had worked if just a little too well. Harry had noticed Ginny alright, and so it seemed that in return for unknowingly helping to break her best friend's heart, the universe had seen it fit to break hers the same way. Then as a capper, after all the nights she spent crying, wishing Ron would drop dead he very nearly does.
No matter how much she hated Ron at the time, she couldn't imagine anything worse then a world without him.
And then he called her name. She was the one he wanted there most. Not Lavender, or Ginny or even Harry, her. The three months of emotional torture she had endured, had almost been worth it to hear him calling her name.
Hours passed. The sleeping potion Madam Pomfrey had given him had taken it's full effect and Ron didn't make another sound. So Hermione just sat that holding his hand and stroking his hair.
"It's time for you to go Miss Granger," Madam Pomfrey said softly. Hermione jumped half falling off the bed.
"Can't I stay?" she pleaded.
"I have to make sure the poison is completely purged. He should be perfectly fine by tomorrow night, so say your good-byes"
Hermione bent down and kissed Ron's cheek. "Get better soon... my hero," she whispered and reluctantly left the infirmary.
I'm not sure which way to go next. I can either do the other half of the missing moment and cover what happens between this point and the conversation between the trio before Harry goes to confront Malfoy, or I can do a different version of this moment as it takes place in the book. Instead of Hermione staying that night I'd cover what happens while she visits him after that and they actually talk about what happened, plus a more private confrontation between Hermione and Lavender. What would you like?