michiru_mama's interesting idea about what I might be, I wanna see what the rest of you think.
OH MY GOD ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE RPG STEREOTYPES MEMES. Yeah, respond with what RPG stereotype you think I would be and what the fandom would think of me. Go crazy with it.
Comments 2
Well. I think you'd be the mage that everyone kinda thinks can't fight when they first meet, but then they're in awe when you suddenly pwn this thing with 34234324248324 HP.
The fandom would think you're okay, no haters be up in hur! Some will think you are a skank, and pair you with like, everyone.
The fandom likes to pair you up, especially with Mary Sues who see past your tough guy facade and 'understand' you. However, due to your style you have a lot of fans, male and female alike. Your bad-boy persona makes you an appealing character to males and your innate sexiness gives you a fair amount of female fans, too. However, most 'serious' fans tend to dismiss any pairings involving you, because they don't believe you'd really be able to open up to anyone that deeply.
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