you dirty little bookworm.

Jun 04, 2014 11:56

a fic was written for my prompt at the j2/wincest jibcon meme and it's just glorious.

The Daily Grind by stripysockette (3k, NC-17, j2 - college AU, jensen's a grumpy barista and jared's a protestor who makes all of his signs there at the coffeeshop. glitter sex! it's adorable and sweet and so pun-ny ( Read more... )

it's all jezzie's fault, creepy, bookish, pretty shiny things, 88pkane, ramblings, bucky x steve, life, fic rec, stephen king

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Comments 8

blackrabbit42 June 4 2014, 17:02:01 UTC
You'll have to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on Mr. Mercedes. SK has come out with two in the past few years that I wasn't inclined to finish- Dr. Sleep and Joyland. Unusual, as I usually devour everything he writes.



homo_pink June 4 2014, 17:48:23 UTC
Oh no :( In that case, I'm probably the exact wrong person to seek a book review from as I loved the hell out of both of those, couldn't put them down. I actually whipped out Doctor Sleep last night to study the cover art side by side with the new book. I've been loving the covers lately.


cassiopeia7 June 4 2014, 17:10:44 UTC
- my blackhawks lost a few days ago and i've been the lowest of low over it. trying (and failing) to get past it, and it's stunted my overall cheerfulness a bit. well, more than a bit

Aww, bb, I know how you feel. But they did win the Cup just last year. And three years before that. The Hawks are good, but they can't win every year. Trust me. I'm a Chicagoan who's been known to occasionally (and quite futilely) root for the Cubs. :D

Do let us know about "Mr. Mercedes." ♥


homo_pink June 4 2014, 17:50:36 UTC
This is true, very true. I suppose it's more of the fact that I'd been expecting to see the boys a little bit longer - and they just went out so suddenly and so quietly that it came as the biggest shock, and now that's it til October. Sad little sigh.

And I most certainly will! :)


riyku June 4 2014, 18:40:06 UTC
oh that drawing. ♥__________♥ it's gotta be the hair, yes. nearly every single person i have ever loved has or has had an undercut at some point in their lives. love. my mr. mercedes is sitting on the table beside my reading chair. cannot wait, but first! you have new fic and i have to read it. a few (!!!!) slipped past my radar actually, so many pardons for the upcoming barrage of feedback as i catch up with you.


homo_pink June 5 2014, 02:48:51 UTC
it's so the hair, right? and agreed, agreed big time about everyone ever loved once having one. yes, yes. my boyfriends in high school, girls i thought were gorgeous. i had one too, a very serious extreme one, but it wasn't really the sexy kind, at least i don't think it was on me. i just liked it.

i haven't started mr. mercedes and can't until the 11th, otherwise i'll get too distracted and i have BB deadlines. ahh. it's so hard to resist. and i have so much stuff to catch up on as well, including your fic i see - with the gorgeous warnings and summary. yes, yes. ♥


big_heart_june June 4 2014, 19:04:23 UTC
you, my lovely, are just as darling ♥♥♥ also, i'm with my girl riyku, I have both your fics to catch up with. how the fuck did i ever let that happen? *frowny sadface*
you will love 6 Feet Under, if you don't love it already ♥


homo_pink June 5 2014, 02:45:56 UTC
aw don't worry about it, nothing to fret over. i'm backed up on lots of things myself. and yes, someone actually recced that to me the other day. i'd heard of it, but never ventured out to investigate. definitely going to be on my hit list ♥ ♥


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