So, I met up with a doll friend yesterday at Eastpoint mall because she said she had something for me (an early holiday/Christmas present) which she couldn't mail, and also just to visit for a while because I haven't seen her in months. I was wondering what it was that she couldn't post and didn't want me taking home on the bus and had a slight
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Comments 8
I don't think I've seen one in person yet which was why I asked. His body sounds lovely and I think he'll blend in well with your drew (by the way, does that make this 18 or 19?). As for additional blushing, that's okay (the more offensive the better if you ask me) I payed more attention to a specific area of Aki's body than I should have (a little bit more pink than one should be)... who new that Volks would go out of their way to put in any detail to that area but what ever...
It's a really nice body, IMO. Here is the body, if you want to get a good look at it. *coughs* Uh, actually, he makes 21. (Of course, could count all the tinies as equaling one SD and that number would be lower. XD) Hah, I agree! It would be terribly boring if there were nothing for people to do a bit of pearl clutching over. :lol: Heh, that's okay. It's not like people will be seeing it all that often. AS kind of went out of their way to add a bit of detail there, too. Since flickr is evidently fine with dollpeen, here is a picture of his body blushing from the front. Somehow, depending on the light and flash level, his blushing photographs darker than it looks IRL. (Also, apologies for him possibly looking a bit grimy. dark pastel gets everywhere, unfortunately.)
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