Aug 27, 2010 17:10

Characters: Gabe Weller hungupboots and Anathema Device thebooksaysso
Setting/Location: Weller's room and then off to a training room.
Date & Time: Day 13 [god, I think?] mid-day
Warnings: The only real warning is Weller.
Summary: Weller teaches basic pistol safety to Anathema. This should go well, right?

expect explosions, somehow )

*day 13, gabe weller, anathema device, #style: prose

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Comments 14

thebooksaysso August 28 2010, 02:46:44 UTC
And it didn't take too long before Anathema started to wander down the hall of the tower, bag in hand, as she tried to remember which room had been his.

Of all the things she had started to expect from the man....lessons in fire arms was not one of them. Even rereading the e-mail through several times didn't help it seem any more likely, but there it was, carrying Weller's familiar abrupt tone and all. It was a surprising offer, but if he honestly trusts her enough to willingly put a gun in her hand then she had to be doing something right.

And as much as she detested them, she had an unfortunate feeling that learning how to use one would be more helpful than her already lacking hand-to-hand skills....

Room 405, wasn't it? She knocked lightly on the door. "Mr. Weller? It's me."


super sorry that this is so damn late :\ life has been a real bitch lately hungupboots August 31 2010, 08:41:33 UTC
Weller hadn't had to wait for long, and for that he was grateful. He hated sitting around doing nothing for any period of time longer than a few minutes. He might have been occupied for most of his wait but it didn't make the small span of idle time any more bearable.

So the knock at the door didn't go unanswered for more than a handful of moments, Weller opening the door to find her there as promised. Good. "Anathema." He greeted- as usual. Really, he needed another way to greet people.

"You'll have to forgive the state of my room." He spoke with mild disdain, frowning at the plants that had taken up a small portion of the room. "It seems my roommate is determined to turn our room into his own personal horticulture experiment. God only knows why." He rolled his eyes, obviously unimpressed with the various carnivorous plants that sat in neat little tanks.

Likely he was at least a tad afraid of them, but that wasn't about to enter the conversation. "Are you ready, then?" He asked, more as a small form of courtesy than anything else.


Hey, no worries! I hope things get better for you soon :( thebooksaysso September 2 2010, 04:28:01 UTC
At least there was something slightly comforting about routine. Even in bland and simple greetings like that one, and she did offer him a small, acknowledging smile. A smile that only grew that much wider as she peered around him into his room; it really did look like the room was trying to be overtaken by a small green house, and it was all she could do to not look too amused.

"I suppose everybody needs a hobby, no?" And really, this was one she could easily respect. She stepped back, moving out of the doorway so he could join her out in the hall

"Ready enough, at least." The reply sounded flippant enough. She could do this. And Weller was supposedly trained in this sort of thing, wasn't he? There was no reason to be nervous. "Where are we going to....?"


thanks a bunch :( hungupboots September 2 2010, 07:29:09 UTC
Weller rolled his eyes and snorted at her assessment of his room, giving a small and stiff shrug. "I suppose. It would be nice if he respected others living spaces while he did it." He'd already had to make a point of it that no plant should be kept near the bed- the bunks being both his since his oddball of a roommate didn't sleep in either of them.

Whatever. At least he had been mostly quiet. Weller took the invitation and stepped out into the hall with her, closing the door carefully behind him.

"We're headed down to the training room. Plenty of open space in case your shots go far off their marks. It would be easier to do this outdoors but our current surroundings make that a very bad idea." He explained, walking with her towards the elevator so they could head down to their destination. He didn't seem nervous about this- in fact, Weller seemed in rather good spirits all things considered.

He was always in a good mood when he got the chance to do something he knew. The chances came fewer and fewer these days.


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