Characters: Murdock
imcondiments and Face
facing_danger Setting/Location: Kitchen, level IV
Date & Time: Midmorningish on day 12?
Warnings: Er, none?
Summary: The Caravan does not offer room service (what kind of hotel is this, anyway!), so Murdock and Face meet to catch up and see what they can scrounge.
Cue the music for the building-stuff montage! )
Comments 7
His dour expression was evident as he entered the kitchen and stopped before his friend. It was too early, he thought, for this. In a better mood, he might have joined in with the song; as it was, he wanted a strong cup of coffee and he wanted it now.
"Cut it out, Murdock. Now's not the time for singing."
"Well," He said brightly, "Last I checked the time slot for singing was right before the time slot for pancakes. Don't see any pancakes, yet, so I was goin' on instinct."
He crossed the room, moving somewhat away from Murdock to investigate a cupboard on his own in search of either mugs or something with "dark roast" on the label. Unfortunately, he didn't have much luck. "Do you know where they keep the coffee around here?"
Withdrawing his head from the cupboard, he straightened up and glanced thoughtfully around the kitchen before indicating a cupboard to Face's left. "Tea's in there. Might be some coffee hiding in the back. Stealthy stuff, coffee."
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