[Open] Why Did The Shinobi Cross the Road?

Aug 11, 2010 21:14

Characters: Yoite am-i_even_alive Naruto Uzumaki sageraging and anyone passing by.

Setting/Location: Steamdrab (near the Caravan)

Date & Time: day10 late evening, almost sundown.

Warnings: Blood, angst and slow moving ninja!

Summary: After finding someone he knows from home, Yoite was in hight hope that he'd be able to find Miharu again. So with an insane plan in his mind he set off back to the caravan, only to fall prey to his illness and end up hiding away feeling weak. Asking for help (something he never does!) drew the attention of another ninja whom kindly offered to help ...

letting his communication device slip from his cold and numb fingers, Yoite pulled himself up onto a soap box in the narrow street he'd ended up in. Looking over at the giant that towered over the streets, the shadow was possibly bigger then he'd first thought it to be and so the Ninja he'd been talking too was possibly in for a wild goose chase before actually finding the dying boy. He didn't even know what he was doing any more, the thought alone that a stranger was willing to put himself out to come and 'rescue' him was confusing enough when you're Yoite.

Displacing a heavy sigh into the cold air, watching his breath fog up and float away. Was it cold? .. or was that just Yoite?

gau meguro, naruto uzumaki, yoite, sakura haruno

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