Searches. News. [OPEN]

Aug 02, 2010 18:54

Characters: keytoanewworld and YOU
Setting/Location: Streamdrab, a library
Date & Time: Day 10, shortly after the Caravan arrives at the new village.
Warnings: none so far
Summary: Sumire wants to investigate the village and she heads to the library in hopes of finding history books or newspaper articles.

Lights. Fears. )

sumire takahana, #style: prose, *day 10, austria

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von_habsburg August 3 2010, 03:18:12 UTC
Austria had left the caravan soon after it had arrived in the village. Just for the chance to stretch his legs, to look around a little bit and hopefully find something interesting. He had neglected to get any books while he had been in the castle, and as such had nothing to read or do apart from play the violin. Perhaps they even had some sort of sheet music here.

Unfortunately the library, by and large, was rather dark. There were still large windows that let in a good amount of light, but many of the inner aisles were shrouded in darkness. Perhaps he should have thought to bring some sort of illumination with him. But he was still able to find a few books that looked interesting, and he had two of them in his arms when he heard a familiar voice.

He headed toward the voice and finally poked his head around the corner with a nod, not noticing the cobweb that was clinging to his hair. "Ah, hello Sumire. How have you been?"


von_habsburg August 4 2010, 18:19:44 UTC
"Yes, of course. That is most likely what it was." Never mind the level of dust covering everything made it hard for him to believe that anyone had been in here recently. But he would rather believe that than that somehow the bat had gotten in there and closed the drawer behind it all on its own.

He looked back at Sumire once she was done and thought a moment. "I was hoping to find some new sheet music. If I could have a few moments to look it would be appreciated." He set the lantern down on top of the card catalog so that he could look through the cards to see where the library might keep any sort of sheet music.


keytoanewworld August 4 2010, 20:11:55 UTC
"Oh, of course!" Sumire said as she stood up and backed away from the catalog. "Just be careful when you open the drawers." She doubted there would be anything else living inside them, but she didn't want to be startled like that again.

She now was curious to know what kind of sheet music he could find, like to see what kind of music had this village produced, and whether or not instruments here were similar to ones she was already familiar with.


von_habsburg August 8 2010, 17:29:47 UTC
"Yes, of course, thank you for the warning." He carefully opened several of the drawers, holding a handkerchief over his mouth to keep out any of the dust that was swarming around the place. It took several drawers, but soon enough he had the cards he was looking for and, after blowing some of the dust off them, he placed them in his coat pocket.

"There we are" he said, closing the catalog drawer and picking up the lantern. "Shall we?" He swept his arm out and to gesture at the library, Sumire could find her books first, and then he could hunt the sheet music. Hopefully he would be able to find it and not more... wildlife.


keytoanewworld August 8 2010, 20:11:15 UTC
She glanced down at her cards. "It looks like they're in section D," she said. She walked up to the nearest book shelves and read the numbers on the plaque, which were covered with dust, but once brushed away the numbers were easy to make out.

"And that would be this way," she added, nodding toward the right, where there were more windows. Even so, she still stayed close to Austria and the lantern he held. "Where are your books?" she asked, looking up at him.


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