Plot Post; event

Jul 13, 2010 13:27

Though many of the kind residents of the Caravan had searched and searched for the Beast's precious gem, it had not been found. Though the Beast was upset, he kept true to his promise of a masquerade. The ballroom was transformed throughout the day, bearing the signs of a grand and luxurious party to come. And the costumes that some had searched for were now simply everywhere! Every closet and drawer was full of costumes and masks taken directly from Carnevale di Venezia.

So, at nine o'clock on the dot, the doors of the ballroom were thrown open, allowing the party goers in. Even those that may not be tempted to go in normally were lured by the sounds of fine music and the smells of even finer food.

It was a grand masquerade--And like Cid Amon had promised for his game, every costumed person that came in received a small card. All they had to do was match it with another person with the same card and they would win. Win what, they asked? Well, that was a secret, for now.

So, let the game begin!

ooc: reply to the event here.

!event, *day 07, !narrator

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