2. feverishly at work [open!]

Jun 12, 2010 01:26

Characters: Yuusei (speedsavior ) and anyone :D
Setting/Location: In the showers. Not... taking a shower Warnings: None.
Summary: Yuusei's putting up the partitions he fashioned together during Day 1, Part of Day 2, and most of Day 3. A busy Yuusei is a content Yuusei?

because a promise is a promise. )

kiba inuzuka, *day 03, gauche suede, zevran arainai, yuusei fudou, #style: prose

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Comments 4

elfroot June 12 2010, 15:37:30 UTC
There was diligence, and then there was sheer cruelty. This action was the former, but--unfortunately for all the myriad inhabitants of this caravan--it also bordered on the latter. Why would anyone, unless they were an incredible prude or determined to ruin everyone else's fun, do such a terrible thing as set up partitions in the shower rooms?

Granted, there were some who would praise this stranger's dedication to others, his selflessness, his intrepid thinking; but Zevran, who had come to the showers for the express purpose of having his difficulties at last rewarded with a little bit of eye-candy, was sorely disappointed.

"May I ask what it is you are doing?" Though it was obvious, it was best not to jump to conclusions, especially with strangers. Zevran shifted his weight, moving to lean on the other side of the door-frame. "Just so that I can be absolutely certain you are to blame for depriving me of my entertainment."


iseveryone June 12 2010, 23:44:02 UTC
Luckily enough, Sora had managed to get a hold of some of the clothes he'd brought with him on the caravan after the disaster of most of them turning pink. As such, he'd quickly gathered the fresh garments and cheerfully made his way to the showers, intending on getting washed up and then going to investigate another quarter of the caravan. Now that he had a room, however, said quarter wouldn't be used for a bed. The walk to the showers was fairly quick, Sora alternating between humming and whistling as he walked.

When he arrived at the shower room, he stopped, watching the man work to put up the partitions.

After a few minutes has passed, Sora's curiousity grew and he trotted over, towel on his arm. "Do you need help?"


livesbyinstinct June 13 2010, 03:54:43 UTC
Kiba entered the shower room with Akamaru in tow. The large canine was padding just off to the side of him, tilting his head and surveying the room with only a marginal amount of interest. Kiba hadn't brought any soap with him, only a towel he had snatched from somewhere he didn't care to remember, intending to get at least some of the grit and dirt off of him and Akamaru before the day's end.

His intentions, however, were put on hold when Akamaru stopped in his tracks and barked. Kiba turned his head, finally spotting some guy off to the side of him that he didn't recognize. It took Kiba a few seconds to guess whatever it was the kid was up to, but once he figured it out, Kiba couldn't help but grin, a smirk creeping across his face as he let out a loud, rumbling laugh.

"You that insecure, or what? Being naked for ten minutes isn't that big of a deal, is it?"


alwaysdelivers June 14 2010, 04:12:22 UTC
Gauche walked into the showers with his messenger bag in tow, already pulling at his uniform tie and shrugging out of the thick leather coat. Roda padded beside him as she looked around until her gaze settled on the man putting up partitions, and walked over to have a sniff. It took Gauche a moment to notice her disappearance, and he turned to observe him for a moment. Putting up separators?

"That's very kind of you. Would you like a hand?" He could spare a few moments. The deliveryman wasn't in any sort of rush, and had nothing else to do.


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