one is one too many cooks [OPEN]

Jun 03, 2010 00:13

Characters: Amaterasu (worthpraise) and anyone else!
Setting/Location: The caravan kitchen on level 2
Date & Time: Day 2
Summary: Amaterasu has been officially appointed as one of the caravan cooks! Let's see what Iron Chef Ammy can cook up...

someone just get her out of there )

scar, #style: prose, courage, yuki shirakawa, slo-bo, amaterasu, yuusei fudou, *day 02

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Comments 34

screamingftw June 3 2010, 07:53:39 UTC
Courage had ended up not too far away from the kitchen in the midst of looking around the caravan. So he was definitely in range to hear the noise. And since it'd been so quiet up to that point, the clash of metal was both loud and unexpected, startling him. Though it was probably more than just 'startled', if the reactionary scream from him was anything to go by.

Once he had calmed down however, he tentatively went over to the kitchen's entrance, sticking close to the wall and peeking in. The first thing to meet his eyes was the sight of a huge white wolf, and he was almost ready to freak out again because there was a wolf in the kitchen, what -- but then he paused, remembering an earlier conversation over the network. Was this...?


worthpraise June 3 2010, 23:53:26 UTC
Amaterasu turned her head when she heard movement, pot still on her head and covering her eyes as her nostrils flared. Hey, the newcomer smelled like dog! Amaterasu slowly pulled herself up, sitting as dignified as possible when in the middle of such a mess. She bent her head down to let the pot slide off and clatter to the ground. She looked back up - yes, her visitor was definitely a dog. She knew there were two other dogs around, but one probably wouldn't stray very far from the man he was friends with.

So Amaterasu tilted her head slightly. "Courage?"


screamingftw June 5 2010, 03:51:04 UTC
Hearing Amaterasu had pretty much settled it. Courage started walking in, but it took a moment for him to respond because now that the other had gotten up from the floor, Courage could actually get a better look at her. He had to rub at his eyes a bit at the sight, because he could have sworn that he was seeing red markings across the wolf's fur. Though really, it wouldn't have been the strangest thing he'd seen by far... So he didn't give it too much thought and idly picked up the pot that had fallen off of Amaterasu's head.

"That's me," he replied. "You're Ammy, right?"


worthpraise June 5 2010, 05:16:43 UTC
She smiled, tail wagging automatically. As much as she didn't mind the Junogam (though typing was an exercise in frustration, sometimes) and pantomime seemed to fill the gaps in wolf-to-person communication, there was still a bit of relief of just being able to talk to someone and be understood. Not everything had to be complicated.

"Yes. That scream from before - was that you?" She looked over at the mess and sighed slightly. That was going to be a lot of cleanup, and she'd be no further on her quest to cook food. But what was done was done, and she'd take care of the consequences. "Sorry. I accidentally knocked these over."


speedsavior June 3 2010, 16:25:22 UTC
[OOC: this is probably the only excuse I have to ever use this icon XD]

Having finished up the shower partitions among other things, the loud clanging has definitely set Yuusei off. Skipping the last few steps onto the level two landing, Yuusei walked towards the kitchen and peered in, seeing the mess upon the floor and noting the familiar sight of Amaterasu, though she looked rather comical at the moment with the pot settle don her head and the other kitchen things scattered about the floor.

Crouching down slightly, Yuusei raised a brow as he took the pot off of Amaterasu's head and shook his own slightly. "Hello again," he chuckled softly, observing the kitchen. "Maybe this needs to be cleaned up first..."


worthpraise June 4 2010, 00:28:50 UTC
[ooc: Yay for little used icons!]

Amaterasu looked up at Yuusei, still flat on the floor. Her tail twitched slightly in a sheepish approximation of a wag in greeting. She eyed the mess around her and put her head back on the floor with a sigh. Yuusei was right, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

So she climbed back up to her feet before delicately picking up a pan by its handle. She hoped fervently that she wasn't going to be forced into washing all of these - they were just fine! Five seco- minu- hour rule! Seriously, don't make her deal with all that water and soap.

So she trotted over and put the pan back down and went to grab another. Maybe if she finished the job really quickly no one would think of the objection.


speedsavior June 4 2010, 03:26:13 UTC
Assisting her in picking up the mess of pots on the ground wasn't really that big a deal, but the fact that Martha would have probably beaten him over the head a few times for not rinsing them off was causing him to take a few over to the sink and run some water in and outside of them, drying them off with a clean cloth set to the side. "What were you trying to do?" he asked curiously, though he wasn't really expecting her to answer, as he grabbed another pan and rinsed it off stacking it.

Maybe she'd been trying to find herself some food? It hadn't really crossed his mind, he'd kept his thoughts at bay with the somewhat pleasant feel of working with his hands (even if it was only wood and nails, compared to the normal metal and wires and computer work.)


worthpraise June 4 2010, 03:49:08 UTC
Amaterasu wasn't very sorry for giving Yuusei the extra work of rinsing the various pieces of cookware - better him than her. And they weren't really dirty, not in her opinion ( ... )


therightfulheir June 3 2010, 17:44:02 UTC
Scar had to wonder what sort of food he would be able to find in these strange lands. However, the current situation didn't quite allow the opportunity to hunt. Unless he wished to eat those plucked monkeys - plenty of available prey - but the lion couldn't quite say they looked too palatable. If anything, they'd be impossible to digest. Provided he'd even be able to chew on them without spitting it back out, but it truly wasn't something he would consider in favor of his health.

But there was someone who was in the possession of actual braincells and had likely anticipated the problem; there was food stored in an area called the 'kitchen'. It didn't even require what was essentially a lioness' job, something that Scar found quite relieving. Hunting wasn't among his favorite past times, after all...

He supposed taking a look couldn't cause any harm. Who knew? Perhaps the food he would find was actually edibleThe lion had been nearby when he heard a loud, clanging noise coming from his destination. Taking the last few steps to the ( ... )


worthpraise June 4 2010, 01:34:52 UTC
Amaterasu stood, her head swiveling to the doorway, the pot of the handle wobbling slightly as it rested on her snout. She didn't seem that bothered by it, but she tossed her head once she smelled Scar, sending the pot flying off with another, smaller clatter.

She looked at him curiously - a lion, huh? There were a lot more animals on this caravan than she had originally thought. If there was a rhyme or reason to why they had been gathered, she couldn't deduce it by the passengers that she had encountered.

Scar would be happy to learn that Amaterasu had not, as yet, touched any of the food currently stored in the kitchen. All she had done so far was create this mess, but she ignored that in favor of the newcomer. "I haven't seen you around before."


therightfulheir June 6 2010, 13:59:39 UTC
She hadn't? My, how could they have possibly missed each other in such a large area in the space of... two whole days?

"Aren't we all fairly recent arrivals?" Scar responded to the question. He gave her another curious glance, but other than being able to tell she was obviously canine, he couldn't tell her species. At the very least she wasn't a hyena, which was almost a compliment.

That also left the... mess. "If you'd forgive my curiosity, what were you trying to do?" Hopefully, it wasn't something along the lines of 'attempting to find food', because a shower of these items every time he'd try to find something wasn't something to be particularly pleased at.


worthpraise June 7 2010, 03:22:25 UTC
She tilted her head slightly, but didn't take offense - not yet, at least. "Yes. If there is someone here who did not come at the same time as we did, I have not met them either. But I had not smelled you." Obviously she hadn't explored the caravan as much as she thought she had.

"Cook." That got a short answer as she stared at the mess on the floor. "Though I have already run into trouble." This really did not bode well for her future success. She could track down and defeat demons without even thinking about it, and suddenly a stack of pots and pans was giving her trouble. It was not exactly confidence-inspiring.


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worthpraise June 4 2010, 02:38:45 UTC
Amaterasu snuffed to herself as she lay on the floor. That was...not a pleasant experience; she'd have to find another way to get pots and pans down in the future. A way that would only get her the one she wanted instead of all of them.

Her ears perked up - squashing against the metal of the pot - when she heard a voice calling from outside. There was another small rattle as she accidentally kicked one of the pans on the floor as she rose and walked over to the open door. With the pot still on her head like a sort of bizarre helmet, she peeked her head out around the corner of the door, sniffing intently to see who was out there. Smell often told her more than sight anyway.


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worthpraise June 4 2010, 05:05:23 UTC
Smelled like a person. Amaterasu tilted her head, allowing the pot to slide off and hit the ground, where it bounced once before wobbling to a stop. She watched him steadily, trying to read his expression. Hopefully he wasn't one of those people who would scream and run away if she got close to him, wailing pleas about how not-tasty and tough he was. Amaterasu couldn't hold back a slight snort of derision. People sometimes ( ... )


littlestbastich June 5 2010, 13:54:11 UTC
Well, whatever this ridiculous trip was about, at least he was getting housed and fed without hassle. Any postings for mealtimes would be readily and quite happily ignored, however. If you're hungry, you eat, and t'frell with whoever thought to hinder you! Slo-bo had given up claim to his crane chain willingly (and almost harmlessly - for him), hadn't he? He was entitled.

The entitled Czarnian pounded down the stairs to the second level, scowling at any and every passerby just for being there, growling at any and every passerby that didn't react to the scowling as he would've liked. Too many cocky bastiches on this cart.Clanking and yelping were not much but sweet, sweet ambiance to someone like him, so there was no curiosity to be found in him when he stepped inside and found...a quadruped mussing around on a floor of fallen cookery. He only started to wonder why the cook had no thumbs for a moment, kicking away a whisker that had rolled too close to the door ( ... )


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