Caution: watch for flying yo-yo [open]

May 29, 2010 20:36

Characters: H.M. Murdock and any who wander by.
Setting/Location: Caravan Level 2, Lobby
Date & Time: Day 1, morning
Warnings: Yo-yo usage and general lunacy? idek
Summary: Stuck in an alternate dimension? Stranded far from family and friends? Clearly, the best solution to this . . . is to practice your yo-yo skills.

Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. )

courage, balthier, h.m. murdock, #style: prose, *day 01

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imcondiments May 30 2010, 04:28:33 UTC
Murdock shot a crooked grin in Balthier's direction, keeping the yo-yo in constant motion as he did so. "It was this or the harmonica, and I figured I'd save that up for a special occasion. Gotta start small."


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imcondiments June 1 2010, 06:23:21 UTC
Murdock raised an eyebrow at that. "No kiddin'? S'called a yo-yo." He flicked the toy into the air, then let it roll down into a 'sleeper'. "Pretty basic gizmo, really -- just string and an axle and some good ol' rotational inertia."

He cocked his head and let the yo-yo return to his hand. "Take it you're not from Earth, then -- 'cause we've had 'em for pretty much forever."


screamingftw May 31 2010, 02:03:16 UTC
Courage hadn't slept that well the night before. He'd gotten his 'screaming at the sight of the (much larger than anticipated) giant' long out of the way, and looked around the inside of the caravan... but none of that could get his mind off the journey to Loophole, and hopefully home. Sure, he was no stranger to weird shenanigans, but they were usually settled within a day tops. Now a day was gone and he still wasn't home where he needed to be.

Yet even with all this on his mind as he entered the second level lobby, he couldn't help but stop and get distracted at the sight of Murdock's yo-yo tricks. It was neat to watch, and it made Courage miss his own yo-yo back home a little. Curious, he drew closer to get a better look.


OMG Courage <3 imcondiments May 31 2010, 02:37:43 UTC
Murdock caught the movement out of the corner of his eye as Courage approached, and he casually flicked the yo-yo up into a Rock-the-Cradle, turning to get a better look at . . .

He blinked, momentarily startled; it was a dog. Oddly colored, yes, and standing on its hind legs -- but most certainly a dog. Murdock grinned. Well, he had said on the Junogam yesterday that he was keeping an open mind about talking animals.

"Well, hey there." Murdock disentangled the fingers of one hand from the string of the yo-yo, dropping it out of the trick and into a regular pattern, still grinning. "Come here often?"


'SUP <3 screamingftw May 31 2010, 03:32:25 UTC
He really had to try remember the hand positions for the cradle trick -- focus, Courage. When Murdock started talking, and didn't seem too surprised at seeing a little pink dog walking around, Courage had to admit it was a pleasant surprise. In a way, it almost felt like he was back in Nowhere again.

Looking up at Murdock, he grinned and shrugged at the question. Because really, how else does one answer in a situation like this?


imcondiments May 31 2010, 03:48:46 UTC
Murdock chuckled, rolling the yo-yo along the floor in a Walk-the-Dog (hey, it only seemed appropriate). "Yeah, I'm new in this neck of the woods, m'self. Figured I'd corner the yo-yo performance market before the rush started, know what I mean?"

He cocked his head, examining the dog. A corner of his mind wondered idly if this might be a hallucination -- he was in a high-stress situation, after all, and he did have a history of seeing things -- but he wasn't too worried if it was. Heck, milder hallucinations could make decent company in a pinch. "Name's Murdock. You got somethin' you go by?"


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