--[Open!] eye of newt and wing of bat?

May 26, 2010 20:01

Characters: Anathema Device [ thebooksaysso ] and YOU! :D
Setting/Location: Caravan level 2, Kitchen
Date & Time: Day 1, the wee early hours of the morning
Warnings: None for the moment!
Summary: Sleep is for the weak, so Anathema commandeers a corner of the kitchen to make some delicious witches brew tea.

So why don't you come over and join her for a cup? )

jack russell, billy kaplan, lightning farron, yuusei fudou, anathema device, #style: prose, *day 01

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Comments 30

ibarkandkick May 27 2010, 04:16:49 UTC
Despite that the beds were far better quality than the rock-hard bunk he normally slept in, Jack still tossed and turned every few hours; his body was still unfamiliar with its softness. Deciding that he probably won't sleep well until he's completely worn out, he redressed himself and quietly slipped out the room.

The hallways were fairly empty at this hour as he slowly descended the stairs to the lower levels. His older sister used to warm him some fresh milk whenever he had trouble sleeping, but Jack figured he can make do with some hot water. As he wobbled into the kitchen, still half-awake, he noticed he was not alone.

"UUuuum..." he tried finding his voice. "Hi...?" He had to rub his eyes against the light while trying to see the woman near the stove, but at least his sense of smell was able to pick up an herbal aroma. Still hunched over with terrible posture, Jack ambled closer to the stove to stare at the kettle, then to the lady. "What're you making?"


thebooksaysso May 27 2010, 05:06:58 UTC
So she wasn't the only one still up and about, then. This hardly surprised her, and the newcomer only earned the briefest cursory glance before she continued with what she was doing.

"Tea was sounding like a very good idea this morning," she replied almost absently, shutting off the stove and grabbing the kettle. "I figured no one would mind if I helped myself...."

The aroma momentarily disappeared under the addition of steaming hot water, and as she let the leaves steep Anathema finally turned to give the boy a small smile. "Couldn't sleep either, I assume?"


ibarkandkick May 27 2010, 18:12:17 UTC
Jack managed a sheepish smile. "Nah. The beds are too nice. I guess I got kinda used to a scrap one." He felt silly complaining about good, free lodging which was a far cry from sleeping in the storage room under the bridge, but he didn't want to lie. As he watched the lady make her tea, he could feel his mind waking up now that there was someone to talk to. He wondered what kind of world she came from.

"Tea, huh? I never really drank that stuff, but," he scratched the back of his neck, a little embarrassed, "Can I try some?"


thebooksaysso May 28 2010, 02:13:23 UTC
He didn't even need to finish his question before Anathema had started searching through the cupboards again, smile brightening considerably. Talking with someone always made for such a good distraction, and she had never been more grateful for the company.

"I haven't tried the beds myself, yet, but I imagine it'd be quite different." Where did she....ah, there was another mug! She quickly pulled it down.

And after staring into it for several moments, she also tipped out a very small, sleepy eyed little creature, that grumbled at her as she lifted it back up into the cabinet. She watched it disappear, shook her head after a beat, and filled the cup.

One extra little pinch passionflower later she carefully handed it to the boy before she grabbed her own. "It's a little hot, but try to drink it before it gets too strong."


speedsavior May 27 2010, 04:31:11 UTC
After a few hours of exploring the caravan in general, particularly the showers, where he'd taken some measurements and started sketching out what would go where, Yuusei was feeling restless--not entirely sleepy, but not all that awake either. He was feeling relatively on-schedule with the partition assignment he'd volunteered himself for and estimated that he'd probably get them done in the afternoon tomorrow, if not the late morning.

He wandered around and about a bit more until he'd noticed the sounds of moving about in the kitchen. Deciding to have a look-see, he put his hand against the threshold and gave a slight tap to the side, he didn't really want to startle whoever was working in the kitchen--that usually never ended well.

"Evening," he said quietly after the knock, tilting his head to the side in a curious manner.


thebooksaysso May 28 2010, 03:12:47 UTC
Another early riser? Temporarily pulled from her thoughts the witch glanced over her shoulder with an equally curious look at the stranger, nodding slightly in greeting. He looked like he was still half asleep on his feet, and that alone had Anathema moving and searching the cabinets to find a second cup before speaking herself.

"A bit early for that now," she replied with a twitch of a smile. "But good morning to you as well."


[ooc: derp, late tag.] speedsavior May 29 2010, 03:08:36 UTC
Yuusei blinked as he noted her bustling about the cabinets, and raised a brow curiously, but brushed it off. He felt a bit caught in the drag of fatigue--the day spent wandering around the different sections of the city had worn him down more than he realized, but his nerves were still alight with nervous energy. Finding a chair at the table to sit himself down in, he watched her quietly.

"Morning... huh..." He put his face in his hands and hummed a bit. "Already..."


[fff it's all good, I'm not much better XD;] thebooksaysso May 31 2010, 06:27:31 UTC
"It sounds like you lost a few hours somewhere." Her tone was only lightly teasing, and for the next few minutes she was silent again as she shuffled through her bag, checked through a few little pouches and threw their contents into the new mug.

It wasn't too long before a steaming cup of tea was carefully placed down in front of the boy. "Here. You look like you could use this."


magiclad May 27 2010, 12:33:21 UTC
Billy was having trouble with the whole sleep thing. He'd tried it for a while, but it hadn't really worked; he was being horribly anxious about everything enough as it was, without lying down and staring at the unfamiliar wall opposite his bunk and allowing himself to be horribly anxious about everything with no distractions. Eventually he'd given up, and so far he'd spent about an hour wandering around the caravan with his new staff (it was really just a big stick, but he'd decided it was necessary -- partially in the hope that it might help him to focus his largely absent magic, but mostly because it made him feel like Gandalf ( ... )


thebooksaysso May 28 2010, 05:31:48 UTC
"Hm?" Anathema looked up, winced when she missed the handle and brushed her fingers along the side of the kettle instead, turned off the stove, and looked up again.

"You're forgiven. Though I'm not sure for what, yet." The staff was interesting. Mostly because he was carrying it around in the first place. It wasn't a very common accessory for most people, and while she could think of a few good--and possibly at least vaguely accurate--reasons for having one, she kept her thoughts to herself. "Looking for something?"


magiclad May 29 2010, 00:34:39 UTC
"No, I just, uh -- didn't know anyone was in here." Billy hesitated awkwardly. "I mean, I'm not looking for anything. I was just ... you know. Exploring? I guess?"


thebooksaysso May 29 2010, 19:45:41 UTC
"That's a very popular pastime in this place, yes," she replied with a small half smile, filling her cup. "....I don't suppose you found anything interesting?"


aveclumiere May 27 2010, 17:30:33 UTC
Sleeping in new places was something Lightning was used to as a soldier, but that didn't mean it came to her easily.

She managed to get two hours of shut-eye before her insomnia caught her and she spent the rest of the evening and early morning wandering around the caravan, making some last few rounds around the village as well to attempt further interrogations of the natives.

It was pretty fruitless though, she only managed to catch three or so village people since the majority of them were in the comforts of their home. She headed for the kitchen when she returned to the caravan, deciding that a drink and a bit of reprieve might be a better tactical decision than wearing herself out so early in the day.

Lightning noticed another person occupied in the kitchen, busying themselves with a mug. She kept to herself and didn't say anything, simply choosing to keep an eye on her as she opened one of the available fridges to look for water or something else to quench her thirst.


thebooksaysso May 28 2010, 02:42:56 UTC
It took several moments before Anathema even realized someone else had joined her. She didn't look up until she heard the fridge being opened, but even then she only gave the woman a curious look and a small nod of acknowledgment before she returned to her own task. It was still too early for most people to even consider waking up, but she would be far from surprised to learn that she wasn't the only one still too worked up to sleep....

"Good morning."


aveclumiere May 28 2010, 04:28:03 UTC
Lightning hummed back a noncommittal response, reaching into the fridge to grab a bottle of water. She checked to see that it was sealed and fresh before popping it open, taking a drink and closing the fridge shut as she did so.

It seemed that the kitchen was empty save for the two of them, so she leaned against the counter, taking the silence for what it was worth. She wasn't too keen on returning up to her room in case Sei was there. While the other woman seemed polite enough (though Lightning could tell it took a lot of control on her part to remain so), she didn't feel like having to deal with pleasantries and small talk with a complete stranger. She also didn't appreciate Sei's teasing nature, especially so early in the morning.


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