Whoa, this place is huge! [Open]

May 26, 2010 00:03

Characters: Nill (pennated) and open to anyone!
Setting/Location: Caravan, Lobby A
Date & Time: Day 0, Late evening
Warnings: None? Will add if any pop up though.
Summary: Nill boards the Caravan a bit early and is a bit... overwhelmed? Or just confused by the map.

As simple as the layout of the Caravan was it was the first time the girl had ever seen something like this before. It was hard to translate the tiny on-screen map into the cavernous walls of the interior, sure she lived in a decent-sized church but it was nothing compared to this. It seemed there was a slow but steady trickle of people starting to board, she wondered exactly how many in total. From the constant messages on her Junogam, Nill assumed quite a large crowd was to be expected. She'd decided to follow Mister Amon's directions and board a bit ahead of time... always just a bit afraid she'd be left behind. She actually left quite early but Big Red at the Inn made quite a fuss over her leaving, it detained the girl while the woman took her time parting dramatically.

There were all different sorts of people coming in, different fashion, odd hair, some big some incredibly small. It made one almost wonder exactly how many worlds they'd been pulled from. It worried her too, if the Loophole witch would be willing or even able to send so many back to their homes. For now she had other things to worry about, such as scouting out her room and her elusive roomate, someone named Emma Pillsbury. She had check around for her on the message board but the woman seemed to have slipped past her for now.

She felt a bit silly unable to read something so simple but it wasn't as if she didn't have time to explore the place a bit and trying to find... Epsilon N-505. There was something about a North and South tower, and they were all the way up on the 4th floor. She could see the Grand Staircase dead ahead but it might not be a bad idea to try the other stairs and get a better feel for the place... oh, decisions.

trish, souji seta, walter delques, nero, *day 00, yosuke hanamura, #style: prose, iris, nill

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