In reference to a post last month, I have decided to collect a little data on homeschooling. Of course, I've read quite a bit on the subject, but kept no copies of anything. After ten years, I thought the question had been settled. People have done studies, and anecdotal evidence abounds. I just want to collect a few to print and keep on hand
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Comments 2
Sorry, I dont have any specific articles for you, but I found a wealth of web sites to sort through by Googling, "Public school not the best socialization." The bottom line is that this is your child and your decision. You shouldnt need articles for others to respect your parenting choices. But I hope you find some good ones.
Are you on facebook? Look for
-Zen parenting
-The path Less taken
-Kicking it unschool
They post often on homeschooling or unschooling, I tried looking for articles like the one you are asking for, but just can't find them.
My little one is just a year old and don't plan on putting her in school later on, I just want to educate myself as much as possible, so that when I am criticized I will have studies and other resources to back me up.
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