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Comments 57

powerforwisdom April 14 2010, 04:20:46 UTC
[there's another player in the Chaos Gate room who looks like he isn't enjoying the rain at all. Haruki's shivering violently and... kinda gives Kite an odd look]

Are you having difficulty in this weather too?


aida_pursuer April 14 2010, 04:28:46 UTC

[For once this is probably the correct response. He tilts up his head a bit to look at Haruki, one glowing eye barely visible through his bangs.]


powerforwisdom April 14 2010, 04:53:28 UTC
[pause] I'm glad to hear we're not the only ones... This sort of thing can't be the norm.


aida_pursuer April 14 2010, 15:56:29 UTC
...Nnh. [It wasn't supposed to rain in Mac Anu. This was an annoying event. He rests his chin on his knees, still staring at the Brandier.]


thisdirtysea April 14 2010, 11:10:20 UTC
[Thetis walks into the Chaos Gate room, also thoroughly soaked. However, he's Kite's exact opposite, grinning like a total dork. He notices that someone else isn't enjoying the weather quite like he is, and strolls over. Obviously, someone needs cheering up. Or trolling. However it works out.]

Not a rain person, huh?


aida_pursuer April 14 2010, 15:59:15 UTC
[He looks up and shoots Thetis a dim glare. DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT?]


thisdirtysea April 15 2010, 05:39:33 UTC
Is that a no? Haha, I don't understand you at all. I love the rain. You know it feels nicer to get wet when you're not all bundled up? That's why people like swimming more than walking somewhere when it's raining. If you get into a mindset where you want to enjoy the cold, it feels that much better.


aida_pursuer April 16 2010, 04:41:06 UTC

[Still glaring at him a bit, but the glow fades out. Trying to enjoy the rain doesn't seem like an ideal situation to this AI. A much simpler solution would be to avoid it altogether. Besides, he'd still be wet even if it didn't bother him.

He pulls his legs to his chest, looking of to the side now.] Hhhaa...


corpsedoctor April 14 2010, 13:41:03 UTC
Such annoying weather.

[Shakes off his jacket that he has been using as his makeshift umbrella. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Stare.]

You're going to get sick that way.


aida_pursuer April 14 2010, 15:50:47 UTC
[He looks up. Oh, hey, it's that guy who likes dead bodies.]

...Haaa? [Sick? Pfft, AIs don't get sick, especially not if they're powerful anti-virus programs. He gives the doctor a funny look.]


corpsedoctor April 14 2010, 16:09:58 UTC
[Good grief. And walks to where Kite is sitting to loom over him.]

You need dry clothes and bed rest.


aida_pursuer April 14 2010, 18:49:05 UTC
[His eyes light up a bit at that. Azure Kite doesn't like being told what to do, unless it's Aura giving the orders. Whether or not it's a good idea doesn't seem to be much of a factor (plus he'd have to admit he's actually capable of getting sick).]


[The AI stubbornly remains seated, staring straight up at Thunderland.]


maxmystats April 14 2010, 22:16:00 UTC
[Lotto has just arrived back from a wonderful stress-relief grinding session, to find a curled-up soggy... guy? He can't really tell with the person all curled up like that.]

Hey, kid. If the rain bothers you that much, stay out it.

[Bah, it's only a bit of puny water. Ignore the sneeze he just gave, kthnx.]


aida_pursuer April 16 2010, 04:59:37 UTC
[The AI glances up through wet hair, scowling slightly.] Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[He could do that, but regaining his levels was important. More important than his personal comfort. He gives Lotto a stern look.]


maxmystats April 16 2010, 12:04:10 UTC
[Lotto rolls his eyes at the kid (at least he can tell it's a guy now) and crouches down slightly, making sure to stay out of the puddle around the boy. He doesn't need to get any more wet than he is already, after all.]

Are you grinding or something? I can't think of any other reason you'd be here, unless you were meeting someone...

[And the thought that he might have found someone doing the same as he is, after so long of just avoiding people is - interesting.]

I'm Yureka. You?


NOT SURE IF MAIL WOULD SEND OR NOT orz names are silly, you decide :( aida_pursuer April 16 2010, 22:56:02 UTC
[Grinding? Well, he had just finished a little while ago, but he was due to start again soon. The AI nodded.]

Hhhhaaahh. [Names were hard to say whenyou had no functioning vocal chords. He reaches up to his throat--yeah, not gonna happen.

He did, however, know this user's name now. He pulled out his Relic, pausing to shake the water off it (how it still worked after getting completely soaked, the world may never know), and typed out a short flashmail to the user "Yureka".]

< kite of the azure flame. >


illuminatism April 15 2010, 16:56:09 UTC
[ Rain, rain, rain...

For the past couple of days that is all that it seemed to be doing - both in town and on the (supposedly) sunny fields. This was weather was nothing that she had dealt with before so it really didn't quite bother Amaterasu as much as it would most others; she had dealt with colder weather than this (Kamui's subzero temperatures were a good example of that) but it still does not keep her from shivering a little and make attempt to seek any type of shelter that is possible.

And today's attempt at shelter was the back of the Chaos Gate room after a few battles with monsters (the last, of which, nearly caused her 'health' to dwindle down near zero so retreat had been needed).

She notices one of the other occupant's of the room all huddled in the corner against himself and she walks over, concern shown on her face. Was he all right? Was something wrong? Hopefully he wasn't hurt... ]

Ah-mm...? [ Translation: Excuse me, are you okay? ]


aida_pursuer April 16 2010, 05:04:23 UTC
[He looks up at the unfamiliar woman. She looked concerned, but didn't really say or ask anything to explain why... So he just stares at her expectantly, waiting for some sort of question about his well-being.]


illuminatism April 18 2010, 06:51:04 UTC
[If she could speak, she would be verbally asking him about his well-being, that is for sure. The only way she could even attempt to try and communicate with people was through the use of body language and expressions. (The thought of using the Relic, like any person with common sense would do, had yet to cross her mind.)

So she just stares right on back at him, confused curiosity in her eyes before she kneels as his side and leans in towards him. Personal space? No one needs that because she has no idea what it is.]


aida_pursuer April 24 2010, 15:24:22 UTC
[When she doesn't immediately respond, he tilts his head a bit. Why was this user not speaking? Was her microphone damaged?]

Aaahhhhhhhhhhhh... [He gives her a curious look. Was she also unable to speak?]


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