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Comments 24

black_goose September 13 2009, 10:25:59 UTC
I'd stuff a dollar down your shirt :|


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:23:01 UTC
I'd let you. :|


prototypic September 13 2009, 10:26:03 UTC
lol whaaaaaaaaaaaat XD


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:22:23 UTC


prototypic September 13 2009, 18:23:18 UTC


svtstarlight September 13 2009, 11:48:58 UTC
*dies laughing* That is too cute, actually. I'd have taken it too, shut up...

I hate Taco Bell /random. (it's always made me sick, actually, so yeah...) Not really keen on guys who flash their money around either. They usually end up being arses and I'm not into that. <3


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:18:53 UTC

Yeah me too, but hey, free plane ride without sitting in coach? Heeeeeeells yeah! That is money I can put to Korea. lol omg im such a money monger.


svtstarlight September 13 2009, 18:20:55 UTC
Hey, I'm not judging ya, cuz honestly, if put in the same situation, who wouldn't be tempted at the very least? Especially if in the end, he turns out to actually be a nice guy? (it's rare but does happen...) And yeah, I think I'd do just about anything for a freebie trip to Korea or Japan or hell, anywhere that isn't here. LOL <3

(bb, you need to give me your new MSN <3 I fail and lost it...)


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:36:44 UTC
dude, if he gave me a free ride to korea, i would like...take the ride in a freakin bathing suit if i had to. that is like, 1,400 dollars.

(tttongue_tied@hotmail.com) if that doesnt work (tongue_tttied@hotmail.com)


renichifreak September 13 2009, 15:42:30 UTC
If you get that random ride to NY anytime, you have to visit me~~~!!!!!!! :D

but that was a lot of wtf moments in one night...

I don't have any tequila, but I have a couple mini bottles of Absolut Mandarin vodka and a big bottle of Soju...^____^;;

not a bit Taco Bell fan...


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:16:24 UTC
You live there?! I forgot! I want to go visit NY so freakin bad!

asldjfka I tried a sip of Absolut Mandarin and omgholyshit that stuff is STRONG. I couldn't take the shot like all of my other alcohol-experienced friends hahah. They had to put orange juice in it for me.

Oh Soju. I miss it. It tastes awful alone, but Korea does Kiwi Soju, Strawberry Soju, Pineapple Soju, Mango Soju...it goes on and on forever in deliciousness.


renichifreak September 13 2009, 18:21:52 UTC
my friends and I shut ourselves in a room and did noraebang and drank apple soju for 3 hours...XD

I am a definite vodka drinker


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:33:17 UTC
omfg i'm so jealous.

I didn't like the tequila shot this bartender poured me but damn I miss that burn/sting and I bit into that lemon like it was my salvation. haha, that was fun...


kitkii September 13 2009, 15:52:47 UTC
lmfao. ideky this made me laugh so hard but it did.


also yes, Taco bell does. which makes me sad. |': I need my taco's man /:


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:13:42 UTC
LIKE, FIRST TIME EVER? I've never gotten so sick from it! Sure my stomach has been a little bloated after it because, face it, it's taco bell, but that has never happened and I'm sad because I love my burrito supremes :(


kitkii September 13 2009, 18:25:25 UTC
D: Maybe something's wrong with the burrito's? Cuz I get those too. >.> I feel like I need to go investigate this now.


holykeebler216 September 13 2009, 18:32:12 UTC
I've never really had a problem with them, but WE SHOULD TOTALLY BECOME DETECTIVES AND DO THAT.


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