1st ♕ voice/action

Aug 16, 2011 13:20

Gosh, probably shoulda done this a while ago...

[Comes a higher, rather squeaky voice from the journal. ...ha ha. He was still kinda amused by that. Journal... where he just came from? Aw, no one here would get it, anyway. The point is, after his and Aqua's... less than graceful arrival, he'd taken the time to at least get settled in for a while. ( Read more... )

so much derp i don't-, say hello your majesty, no longer waterlogged?, we fail at intros

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Comments 107

[Voice] meteorical August 16 2011, 17:25:55 UTC
[...huh. So the rumors were true. She hadn't had a chance to see the king herself yet, but she'd heard whispers around the house about him being in the village.]

Your majesty? [You can tell there's a smile in her voice. Maybe with Mickey around things will get better.] It's good to hear from you. [Wait. Wait. She needs to consider...what if Mickey's just like some of the others and he's from a time he doesn't remember who anybody is? But that couldn't be right. Well either way, the king is the king.]


[Voice] holyburstking August 16 2011, 17:31:55 UTC
[Yep, definitely true! He was just lurking, sorry 'bout that. ...Really shoulda gotten in contact with everyone earlier.]

Kairi? [Well, one can hope at least! He'd certainly do what he could to help.] It certainly has been a while... How ya been?


[Voice] meteorical August 17 2011, 06:53:42 UTC
Now that the boys are normal again? A lot better. This place pulls some pretty weird stuff. Are you settling in okay? I know you've been here a while, but sometimes it takes some getting used to.


[Voice] holyburstking August 17 2011, 22:33:00 UTC
It sure does... [Sweatdrop.] Yup. Though, guess ya can say I'm still a bit surprised.

[Terra looks like Xemnas. D:]


[Voice] 1/4 kingofwaste August 16 2011, 17:38:12 UTC


[Voice] 2/4 kingofwaste August 16 2011, 17:39:01 UTC
[Oh you have got to be kidding him.]


[Voice] 3/4 kingofwaste August 16 2011, 17:39:37 UTC
[Really, Malnosso? Really?]


[Voice] 4/4 kingofwaste August 16 2011, 17:40:44 UTC
Mouse! When did you get here?


fortune_prince August 16 2011, 18:31:17 UTC
[...Is that....a mouse? And he's talking....well she can't say she's entirely surprised. I mean, she had to deal with discovering Teddie and the TV world so things like this don't phase her too much.

But why does she get the feeling she's seen him somewhere before? Even the name rings a bell. So she stares at the image that was displayed for a moment before deciding to reply]

It's a pleasure to meet you Mickey. I assume you arrived here during the last cycle?


holyburstking August 16 2011, 18:38:32 UTC
[Yes, it is a talking mouse. And the image just smiles back at her.]

Yep, sure did!


fortune_prince August 16 2011, 18:49:21 UTC
I see...

[Staring] Have we met somewhere before?


holyburstking August 16 2011, 20:27:07 UTC
...Gosh, I don't think so.


[ voice ] refinedmaestro August 16 2011, 20:10:52 UTC
[Frederic's seen many things in his life and during his dream journey, but this was completely new for him. But of all things to see...well, he decides to introduce himself to the other either way.]

It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mister Mickey.


[ voice ] holyburstking August 16 2011, 20:29:40 UTC
[He appreciates it, Fredric. It might be a bit awkward on one side, but still...]

Just Mickey is fine.


[ voice ] refinedmaestro August 16 2011, 21:07:45 UTC
[He almost forgets to introduce himself to the...mouse. Thus he does so as it is the proper thing to do.]

Very well then, Mickey it is. My name is Frederic Francois Chopin, again it's a pleasure to meet you.


[ voice ] holyburstking August 16 2011, 21:31:53 UTC
[It happens a lot; don't worry about it too much.]

Nice ta meet ya. Do ya mind if I just call ya Frederic?


[ voice ] poppetry August 16 2011, 21:30:23 UTC
[ ...... for a long, long moment, all Xion does is sit and stare at her journal after listening to ... that voice. There's something so familiar about it... but the more she tried to think about it, the more of a headache she got, trying to reach for memories that aren't hers. Eventually she'd given up and sat with her head in her hands, trying to calm the pounding between her ears.

Now... now, she's not really certain what to say. But this... this has to be someone Sora knows. So... shyly, quietly. ]

Um.... hello, there. [ Somewhat grown up, now, she looks just like an older Kairi, with hair down nearly to her shoulders and those big blue eyes. Her voice, of course, is also identical, differing only strength and tone. ]


[ voice ] holyburstking August 17 2011, 23:33:44 UTC
[Don't break your brain already, you still have to break his! D: All jokes aside, he's tilting his head at this response for a moment. ...Kairi? How did you dye your hair black so fast-?

But that shyness didn't quite match with Kairi's voice, so this causes a head scratch. He is one, incredibly confused mouse.] ...Hiya?


[ voice ] poppetry August 17 2011, 23:43:08 UTC
[ This happens to her every now and then, it's cool.

Xion takes a breath, trying to say something, and ... losing steam. Ngh. She tucks her hair behind her ear, looking away from the journal. ]

... my name is Xion. I just ... felt like I should say hi, for some reason. You seem so familiar, but ... [ She looks back at the journal, at the little camera, questioningly. ] I know I've never seen you before.


[ voice ] holyburstking August 29 2011, 00:17:24 UTC
[He still feels bad!]

Huh... Welp, it isn't a first. [He pauses a bit, smiling at the journal.] Nice ta meet ya, Xion. The name's Mickey!


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