Hi, here through whodaily. Just feel an urge to attempt to explain the snow thing: it was a link between the two dreams, like the birdsong, a sign that they were to change dreams. It started snowing right before they collapsed, and since they were freezing in the TARDIS, it started snowing in the village. I loved that part. Dunno, I think "I was ready to die for you" means more than a cliché "I love you". It would mean more for me. I think it's been the Doctor's aim both consciously and unconsciously to make Amy realise she's in love with Rory not the Raggedy Doctor, ever since she came onto him, that's why he picked up Rory. Maybe Amy's wedding will turn out to be of timey-wimey importance. XD Cheers and excuse me for the unsolicited comments.
Just feel an urge to attempt to explain the snow thing: it was a link between the two dreams, like the birdsong, a sign that they were to change dreams. It started snowing right before they collapsed, and since they were freezing in the TARDIS, it started snowing in the village. I loved that part.
I figured that was what it was, but with the British weather you just never can tell, lol
Maybe Amy's wedding will turn out to be of timey-wimey importance. XD
Don't most weddings in Doctor Who have some sort of timey-wimey importance? ;)
Cheers and excuse me for the unsolicited comments.
No problem - when people comment it just means I'm not talking to myself
Comments 4
Just feel an urge to attempt to explain the snow thing: it was a link between the two dreams, like the birdsong, a sign that they were to change dreams. It started snowing right before they collapsed, and since they were freezing in the TARDIS, it started snowing in the village. I loved that part.
Dunno, I think "I was ready to die for you" means more than a cliché "I love you". It would mean more for me. I think it's been the Doctor's aim both consciously and unconsciously to make Amy realise she's in love with Rory not the Raggedy Doctor, ever since she came onto him, that's why he picked up Rory. Maybe Amy's wedding will turn out to be of timey-wimey importance. XD
Cheers and excuse me for the unsolicited comments.
I figured that was what it was, but with the British weather you just never can tell, lol
Maybe Amy's wedding will turn out to be of timey-wimey importance. XD
Don't most weddings in Doctor Who have some sort of timey-wimey importance? ;)
Cheers and excuse me for the unsolicited comments.
No problem - when people comment it just means I'm not talking to myself
there's definitely some truth in that XDDD
"Don't most weddings in Doctor Who have some sort of timey-wimey importance? ;)"
lol, really, until now hadn't even realised how many crazy weddings've been featured so far.
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