Fanfiction: Being human

Feb 11, 2012 01:28

Title: Being human

Author: Anne85

Rating: PG

Word Count: 266

Summary: Watson thinks about Holmes being more human than he thought before

Note: 1. I was inspired by this ( wonderful video and felt instantly the urge to write a short fic.

2. I’m still not sure with the time forms here (had been or ( Read more... )

character: holmes, genre: angst, rating: pg, character: watson, fanfiction

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Comments 4

justtopostmyfic February 11 2012, 06:54:47 UTC
wow! Love it :')


anne85 February 11 2012, 13:16:10 UTC
Thank you! :-)


vsee February 11 2012, 10:38:51 UTC
Nicely done. Hope you write more.


anne85 February 11 2012, 13:16:44 UTC
Thanks. I hope so, too! *lol* ;-)


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