Title: Observations in Sentinels & Guides in Victorian London
Author: Ryuuza Kochou
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 3990
Spoilers: None; complete AU
Summary: A Victorian era AU where Sentinels and Guides are members of everyday society. Starring Sentinel! Holmes and Guide! Watson.
Part Twelve B: Side B, because livejournal so
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Comments 38
This is an amazing blend that gives justice to each universe - Sentinel and Holmes. The chase and the final battle had me sitting on the edge of my chair, the misplaced loyalty of Gabriel and Watson battling on his own, in spite of his 'heat', had me gripping my mouse as I scrolled through.
Now my hands hurt. *L* Good job!
Oh I've been waiting for this! This is just perfect! Thank you.
The fighting was detailed enough to be vivid in my mind but not so much to get bogged down in details. And the emotional punch, particularly of Watson's fight with Strangerson was very intriguing.
Well done indeed.
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