Title: Observations in Sentinels & Guides in Victorian London
Author: Ruuza Kochou
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3389
Spoilers: None; complete AU
Summary: A Victorian era AU where Sentinels and Guides are members of everyday society. Starring Sentinel! Holmes and Guide! Watson. Part One, the pair come together in London....
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Comments 20
You've also given us a lot of irrelevant information (about Dark Sentinels and hierarchies). I'm sure it's going to be important later, but it could have waited until you could work it into the story more naturally (in a conversation for instance).
The part with Watson worked a lot better because he wasn't just sitting around pondering on his life, but already in the middle of an action. I found your explanation for people's aversion to Guides particularly inspired :).
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