Dec 31, 2010 18:22
01. You must be an adult to join this community. We do not embargo swearing, graphic talk, or NC-17 fanfiction/art like many other land communities. By joining this community, you are agreeing that you are of legal age to view such things. (In this same vein, if you are horribly offended by slash or NC-17 rated fanworks, this might not be the place for you. You may certainly choose to not participate in the challenges where an NC-17 level is allowed, but please don’t be super-sensitive. There will, however, always be trigger warnings.)
02. TyP LyKe DiS or generally be a nuisance and you will be removed. Proper grammar and spelling are appreciated. Typos are forgiven.
03. Do not spam our communities. You may be able to post in some of them, but we don't want unnecessary posts. Don't join just to pimp your icons or your comm - that is not what this community is for.
04. Mods will not hesitate to remove you for any of the following: disorderly behavior, spamming, disregarding the rules, continuous off-topic posts or blatantly idiotic or frustrating behavior.
05. We reserve the right to remove inactive members. Participation is important to your team and to having a fun and thriving community. If you're unable to participate in something at least once every two weeks, you will be removed. If you go on vacation or need a hiatus, please let us know ahead of time. We won't remove you if you will be gone for less than 2 months. If you will be gone for longer than that, please leave the community and reapply when you're able to participate.
06. On that same note, every member is required to participate in something at least every two weeks. If you're not online that frequently or just don’t have the time to complete challenges, please don't apply.
07. Although friendly competition is encouraged, please do not bash other teams, bash characters, belittle others’ opinions, etc. Also, please try to leave dealing with rule-breakers to the mods, rather than jumping on them yourself (but feel free to let us know if you see a situation that needs attention).
08. Read the rules. No points will be allocated to people that do not read and follow the rules in a challenge post. Please take the time to ask questions if instructions are unclear to you before you begin working on the challenge.
09. Before applying, please have watched the aired series. This community is for the BBC version of Sherlock, and thus all challenges will relate to it. You will not be warned for spoilers about the episodes that aired in 2010. Please be considerate of other members who may not want spoilers when discussing the upcoming series.
10. When you apply, put a favorite quotation from the show in the subject line of your comment to show that you have read these rules. Do not use the same quote as the person who applied directly above you.
comm business,