Title: Podfic of
The Glass Half Full, by Garonne
garonne and
phoenixfallsPodfic Reader:
sanguinityVerse: ACD Canon
Characters/Pairings: Holmes/Watson (unresolved), Mary/Watson
Rating: G
Length: 2,524 words, approx 18 minutes
Summary: Nothing but unspoken words and unspent passions, declarations never made and caresses never given.
Holmes and Mary Watson have an after-dinner conversation about Watson.
Podficcer's Notes: Phoenixfalls requested a podfic of their own work or a work they've recommended. After
their recommendation reminded me of Garonne's poignant "The Glass Half-Full," I trotted over to Garonne's journal to obtain permissions, only to discover that they, too, had requested podfic! So this is a joint gift for the both of you. I trust you'll share nicely.
Thanks to REDACTED for beta and REDACTED for Brit-listening.
The Glass Half Full