Fic for blackbird_song: Smooth As Silk

Dec 02, 2016 10:00

Title: Smooth As Silk
Recipient: blackbird_song
Author: monkiainen
Verse: Ritchie movies
Characters/Pairings: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Holmes is bored, so he takes on what seems like a mundane case. The truth, however, is not that simple.

Smooth As Silk )

source: ritchie movie, pairing: holmes/watson, 2016: gift: fic

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Comments 6

destntoast December 2 2016, 17:22:03 UTC
I love bored Holmes, Holmes pretending to be bored but perking up at an interesting mystery, and Watson trying to deduce things about a client, then being told what he's missed. :) Also stories where the client has completely misunderstood the nature of the question they should be asking. Yay!


monkiainen January 6 2017, 08:50:12 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting :) I'm glad you liked this.


scfrankles December 4 2016, 17:08:34 UTC
I love how noble Barrington is - standing up for Violet and putting her wishes first, even when he's physically attacked by her father.


monkiainen January 6 2017, 08:52:09 UTC
Thank you! I really liked writing Barrington - we could all use a hero like him.


blackbird_song December 5 2016, 02:02:26 UTC
What a lovely little Holmes-teaser! I do love a mystery that captures a bored Holmes, and I especially love it when a woman as clever as Violet succeeds in eluding an arranged marriage and making her own decision about how the rest of her life will go.

This was delightful and atmospheric, and I am honored that you wrote it for me. Thank you so very much! :-)


monkiainen January 6 2017, 08:53:51 UTC
I'm glad you liked this, as I had great fun writing this :) Also, I think it's awesome that we ended up writing fics for each other ;)


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