fic for methylviolet10b: My Dear Watson

Jun 14, 2016 07:00

Title: My Dear Watson
Recipient: methylviolet10b
Author: knowmefirst
Characters/Pairings: pre-slash-Holmes/WatsonRating: PG-13 (to be safe)
Warnings: mild violence, AU, and mild OOC.
Summary: Sometimes love is there all along, but we all need a little bit of push in the most difficult times to see it clearly.
Notes: Dear methylviolet10b , I hope you like it, it has been a long time since I ( Read more... )

source: ritchie movie, pairing: holmes/watson, 2016: gift: fic

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Comments 2

methylviolet10b June 15 2016, 02:37:21 UTC
Thank you so much, dear mystery author! I love that you chose Ritchie-verse for this. A dangerous case! A daring rescue! Holmes being impractical! Watson being put-upon! A timely appearance by Lestrade (okay, so, a little late, but better late than never)! And a sweet ending. Thank you for the treat!


swissmarg June 17 2016, 08:40:17 UTC
The recklessness and thirst for danger is so wonderfully Ritchieverse, well done! I especially like how in tune the two of them are, how they communicate without words and have such an innate understanding of each other. Even the kiss at the end is just so simple and unsurprising and natural. I can totally picture the final scene of the black cab receding as the theme music comes on... :)


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