Title: PODFIC OF: En Passant by
jagnikjenCharacters/Pairings: Mycroft Holmes, OFC, OMC
Rating: General
Original Tags from AO3: Manipulation, Politics, Sneaky Mycroft, a day in the life
Link to Podfic:
En Passant (.mp3)
Comments 2
But what a delight to receive this wonderful gift! I adore podfics and I utterly love hearing what a talented podficcer can do with one of my stories (up to and including making them sound much better than they did when I wrote them!). And a story that was written for this very challenge! How appropriate! :)
You bring such a wonderfully crisp precision to Mycroft's narrative voice. I realize listening back on this one that I made Mycroft rather verbose, and you make his complex diction sound smooth and natural. I also love how unhurried your reading is - it suits both Mycroft and the story to a T. I could listen to Mycroft be his urbanely sneaky self all day. *grins*
I hope that when reveals happen that you'll allow me to link this podfic from the original story, because I can't wait to share it with those who might have read the story.
Thank you, anon! :D
Let me find a place to host the file with the "header" and send you the link and I'd be pleased a delighted (and petrified) to have you link the podfic to the original fic.
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