fic for hiddenlacuna: Loose End

Jun 06, 2016 12:00

Title: Loose End
Recipient: HiddenLacuna
Author: rabidsamfan
Characters/Pairings: Sebastian Moran, Mycroft Holmes, Simza Heron, Rene Heron, John Watson
Rating: G
Warnings: canonical character death, spoilers for Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, science of the milk-drinking-snake variety, diverges from canon.
Summary: The hunter becomes the hunted.

Also on AO3: "Read more... )

source: ritchie movie, character: moran, 2016: gift: fic

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Comments 2

swissmarg June 6 2016, 19:34:50 UTC
Nicely done perspective. Moran is definitely a force to be reckoned with. He comes across here as more of an equal partner to Moriarty than a henchman. Maybe that's just how he sees himself, but I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with his character in the third movie.


methylviolet10b June 8 2016, 03:18:52 UTC
Oh wow! I really enjoyed this. Moran's soldierly assessment of how dangerous Watson is; Mycroft's perspective on the events; Watson's own resourcefulness in the face of despair. Great movie-verse fic!


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