Fic for fleetwood mouse: In Iambic

Jun 22, 2013 12:40

Title: In Iambic
Author: blighted_garden
Recipient: fleetwood_mouse
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Holmes/Watson, Mycroft, Irene, Moriarty, Moran
Warnings: Shakesperean AU, angst, vague reference to suicidal thoughts, major character death, mild period sexism, moderate violence, unhappy and happy endings.
Author’s Note: Fleetwood mouse, I hope you enjoy! This idea struck me ( Read more... )

character: moriarty, character: adler, character: moran, pairing: holmes/watson, 2013: gift: fic, character: mycroft holmes

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Comments 5

fleetwood_mouse June 23 2013, 00:59:25 UTC
Wow, I am so floored by this gift... it's just so perfect on every level. Your narration is great - the perfect balance of description and conservation of words, and the language is all-around gorgeous.

The Tempest was so interesting; I loved the idea of Moriarty as Antonio, that those two could be brothers. Also, I had a gorgeous picture book of the play as a kid so it made me nostalgically happy. Hamlet might have been my favorite if only because it already felt so much like an ACD story. The mood was perfect, and I loved the very literal battle of wits between Holmes and Irene. The death scene was heartbreaking - just the perfect balance. And this is embarrassing to admit, but the story of As You Like It was new to me, so I was initially confused but then enchanted as I realized what was going on. I am going to go read it and think of this the whole time.

I know my post must have been frustratingly vague so I'm sorry for that, but this is an absolutely gorgeous gift and I love it. Thank you!


blighted_garden July 9 2013, 17:39:56 UTC
Hello! I firstly would like to add that I cracked up when you suspected that your author had dropped out, considering that I was the one writing the emails.

I'm truly glad you enjoyed the fic. I had a great deal of fun writing it. I'm happy you liked the character casting. And I'm glad I managed to pic a play that elicited nostalgia from you!

As You Like It is not one of Shakespeare's most well known plays, but its homoeroticism makes it one of my favourites. In the actual play, Holmes is a woman (Rosalind) cross-dressing as a man, and in the end the queer undertones are resolved when she reveals that she is a woman. I wanted to create the reverse here.



fleetwood_mouse July 15 2013, 10:44:24 UTC
Hahaha, that is too good! The pinch hit post sounded too much like mine, but that's almost a comedy of errors in and of itself. Very fitting.

And I really, really enjoyed the fic :) Thanks again for writing something so creative and interesting. Would it be OK if I followed you to see your future stuff? It seems like you post most of your fics on LJ and I'm not sure of the etiquette for that.


swissmarg June 24 2013, 05:18:06 UTC
This was so creative, with a great understanding and insight into both verses. It's also great how each different incarnation of John and Sherlock reflect different aspects of their canon personalities. I really like that there is an escalation in their relationship through the progression of the plays. I would be intrigued to see more and hope you do continue after the reveal!


blighted_garden July 9 2013, 17:42:07 UTC
Thank you again for the beta. I'm glad you enjoyed the read and the progression of their relationship! I will hopefully be continuing as I had many ideas of other plays I would like to use.


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