Title: Domine, salvum fac Reginam
hollyxuCharacters/Pairings: Mycroft, Sherlock, 'Mummy' Holmes, John
Rating: G
Warnings: General ickiness associated with the ASIE-verse.
Summary: My dear recipient: you asked what would happen in ASIE on Christmas. Having challenge accepted the idea, I present to you: Mycroft and Sherlock, once upon a
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Comments 20
I really enjoyed this. Well done!
Thank you so much for the praise! A Study in Emerald is one of my favourite works within the ACD canon/fanon, and very much worth reading. It won't take long at all, really.
I have questions, though I suspect you can't answer until after the reveal: I wonder if Reginam could refer to more than one being in this story? Perhaps this is somewhat owed to a certain insult in ASiB? :D
As for the original Britannic bloodlines, I think in the ASIE origin story it was hinted that the elder gods appeared quite early, certainly before 1066, so we'll have to see how humanity picks itself up afterwards.
PS Oh THAT'S what ASIE it is: Neil Gaiman's A Study in Emerald, which I read before reading Lovecraft, so I didn't quite get it. Talk about going about things the wrong way :D
Thank you so much for the enthusiasm and praise, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
(The super late reply is because this post completely slipped my mind, apologies!)
Making the Holmeses beings who had 'gone native' is an excellent notion. It maintains the aristocratic touch in a way appropriate to "A Study in Emerald", lets Mycroft be himself, and allows Sherlock to fit his role in that universe as a rebellious type. Very, very well thought out.
I tried to hint that this was in BBC Sherlock era-London but to be honest the ASIE universe kind of took over, though I hope that it worked out for you just the same. <3
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