Title: Clued In
airspanielCharacters/Pairings: John/Sherlock, Lestrade
Word Count: 1717
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: See, he hadn’t made Detective Inspector because of his great hair and pretty face. And honestly, it didn’t take a detective to figure out what was going on.
A/N: There is a porny coda to this which I will post
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Comments 10
I loved this! It's just what I wanted, being from Lestrade's POV, in his voice. I love how he misunderstood, but by the time he realizes that he might have been wrong, it will be a moot point anyway. *makes flappy hands and bounces in chair* I love John's little revelation at the end, and I cannot wait for that porny coda.
The touching, the invasion of personal space, the red nails - all things to make your average hetero male nervous, but it was wonderful to see Lestrade deal with those challenges, and even defend these two. I got such a voyeuristic thrill from watching Lestrade watch John and Sherlock together (that prurient postulating), lol, that I got butterflies in my tummy and a protracted squeee sound in my head.
Thank you!!!
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