Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feb 23, 2014 23:21

- holmesian_news is now recruiting!

+ Challenges
Assignments are on their way - also Volunteer Post at acd_holmesfest

+ Fan Fic
In Progress
Midsummer Murders (5/?) by mojoflower (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
The Adventures of a Single Girl in London (Plus a Consulting Detective) (4/8) by earlgreytea68 (Holmes, Janine, Morstan, Watson | T | BBC)
Though I Walk Through the Valley (37/38) by melody_in_time (Holmes/Watson, Mycroft/Lestrade, Mycroft/Others | NC-17 | BBC)

Compensation by holyfant (Adler/Kate | NC-17 | BBC)
An Unexpected Wedding by solrosan (Holmes/Anthea | PG | BBC)
Best of Three by silentauror (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)

Drabbles, Ficlets and 221Bs
The Holmesian-English Phrasebook by scfrankles (Unspecified | G | ACD)
Mr. Melas by scfrankles (Unspecified | PG | ACD)
The Sister’s Story by vaysh (Unspecified | R | ACD)
Descended from an Artist by thesmallhobbit (Unspecified | PG | ACD)
Mr. Melas by thesmallhobbit (Unspecified | G | ACD)
+ Fan Vids/Multimedia
Sherlock BBC series promo by secretlytodream (Holmes, Watson, Moriarty | Unrated | BBC)

+ Icons/Graphics
H/W nightshirt action by spacefall (Unspecified)

+ Misc
Sunday Recs - week 176 by sherlockbbc (BBC)
Canon Discussion: The Greek Interpretor by sherlock60 (ACD)
Season 3 extras/DVD specials question by pjordha (BBC) If something is incorrect/title/pairing/rating etc or we are missing a post, community, or a journal please drop a note in the comments or send us an email at Please check out the <a href=posting guidelines before sending in a request.
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