Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Apr 05, 2012 02:40

+ News Troubles in Modernizing Holmes

+ Fan Art
Sherlock by a_pale_horseman (Holmes | G | BBC)

+ Fan Fic
In Progress
From A to B: Part 1 by labellecreation (Holmes, Watson | PG | BBC)
Undercovered: Part 11 by diminua (Holmes/Watson, Lestrade/OC | NC-17 | BBC)
The Fabric of Life: Part 10 by holyfant (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)

Blueprint by mainecoon76 (Watson | PG | BBC)
You've Begun To Feel Like Home: Part 9/9 - Complete by yalublyutebya (Holmes/Watson | R | BBC)
Missing and Alternate Scenes from A Cure for Boredom by emmagrant01 (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
When in Rome by tsuki_no_hana (Holmes/Watson, Mycroft/Lestrade | G | BBC)
It’s My Note by evila_elf (Holmes, Watson, Molly | PG-13 | BBC)
The Case of the Unfortunate Younger Brother by hells_half_acre (Holmes/Merlin | PG | BBC/Merlin)
The Curious Case Of The Origami by auburnnothenna and <"eretria"> (Holmes, Watson, others | G | BBC)
So Much For This Battle by anonymous-plume (Holmes/Watson | R | BBC)

Drabbles, Ficlets & 221Bs
Reichenbach Double Drabble by soul_bonnie (Holmes/Watson | PG | BBC)
That's What People Do by missyvortexdv (Moriarty | PG-13 | BBC)
Fun With Jim by missyvortexdv (Moriarty | PG | BBC)

+ Icons/Graphics
5 icons by bombottosa (BBC, multifandom)
14 icons by word_never_said (BBC, multifandom)

If something is incorrect/title/pairing/rating etc or we are missing a post, community, or a journal please drop a note in the comments or send us an email at Please check out the posting guidelines before sending in a request.
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