[Post deleted by moderators] DO NOT ENGAGE: cons_detective

Aug 21, 2011 10:08

A lot of people have been asking lately, and in general, what cons_detective did to make him such a horrible person. Those people must be relatively new to the fandom, because those of us who have been around for a while know what sort of a lying, cheating, drug-addicted scumbag he is. His actions really hurt the fandom in and caused portions of it to even close down entirely.

So, here's a copy of the original report. Most of these links should still work, since a lot of it either went down here, or happened in a journal that has not been accessed by its owner since 2005, when all this drama went down.

Originally posted by [redacted] on holmeschat.

Meet power_c, one of the biggest big name fans the Holmes fandom has seen in quite some time. His fan-base numbers in the thousands and his stories have been circulated around the net in various forms, including one very long graphic novel reproduction. In short, fandom loves power_c.

Our saga begins in July, when power_c began looking for someone to illustrate one of his fics. Almost at once, more_arty (remember this name; there will be a quiz at the end) offers his services to the cause, and he and power_c seem to become quick friends. They make plans to both attend the Holmeschat meet-ups, and even seem to be striking up something of an offline-relationship.

Now, cons_detective is still in the wings, waiting to make his first appearance, when likesthehat puts him onto the idea of going to one of the meets. Which he did, but only for a few minutes. To those present, it seemed as though cons_detective only wanted to have a quick conversation with power_c, which was something he could have done over PM. Or was it?

You see, this is where things start to get a bit odd. power_c suddenly comes into some money, goes to Europe for a bit, and even makes a sudden announcement that he's quit his job for no apparent reason.

Meanwhile, cons_detective begins to show his crazy to the fandom. A harmless watchalong post is made, as will occasionally happen in holmeschat. This one for the Great Mouse Detective. All is well until cons_detective pops up, calling everyone involved an idiot. Never mind that many fans who were children in the 80s and 90s are fans because of that movie.

After returning from Europe, power_c makes a fic post, which is immediately discussed in holmeschat. This is when people begin to notice that something may be seriously wrong. Between the sudden rampant typos, decrease in length, and the general absence from the internet, all manner of speculation is made. Nothing even comes close to the truth, though.

That all comes out in November, when a drugs bust is made at one of the meets. That's right. A drugs bust, with power_c and cons_detective being arrested. As it turns out, holmeschat mod let_us_trade is a cop, and has been watching this whole thing unravel from the beginning. But it gets better! You see, while they were both arrested, only power_c was actually charged with anything. Meanwhile, more_arty has completely vanished from the internet, and cons_detective continues to be a tactless bastard.

Edit by Wonko: He briefly vanished from the internet, and his brief posts indicated that afterward, he had gone to live rent-free with his brother, and complained about it the entire time. All indicators were that his extended holiday also doubled as rehab, which more or less confirms that he had been working with the police in getting Carl arrested in the first place.

Then, in July of 06, everything started to make a bit more sense. C_D moved back to London, where his brother (who was probably his police contact the year previous) apparently had set up for him a brand new flat, which he still found a way to complain about. I'm not even going to bother linking to individual comments, because I'd be linking to all of them, but it's clear that his brothers are the reason he didn't serve any time, beyond a weekend in jail.

After that, he either tried to kill himself or OD'ed or something, and then disappeared from the internet again. And then, after all this, he strolled back into fandom as though nothing had happened at all, and took up a new hobby of insulting everyone he came across.

So, does that answer your questions?

Note from Wonko: I've remained in as much contact as has been possible with Carl (which, admittedly, isn't a whole lot) since all this. He's always been a good friend of mine, and continues to be. Those of you who knew him may be delighted to know that he's being released next month.

wank post, in-character

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