Jan 10, 2010 20:16

Inspired by st_fanart_meme, we bring you the...

This is a place where you may post prompts for ANY GENRE OF HOLMES-RELATED ART

1. Comments may be anonymous, but don't have to be.
2. Please be respectful towards all prompts! I’m sure some things will squick you but frankly, it’s not your business.
3. Same goes for replies to prompts. If someone puts in the effort to fill your prompt, please be sure to thank them. Insults are unnecessary.
4. Fanart covers: All kinds of drawings, videos, photomanipulations, etc. If you want to post fic, please post it HERE.
5. Requests and responses may contain ADULT CONTENT. We warned you.
6. This meme is open to slash/het/anything in between.
7. The prompts can be Sherlock Holmes movie related, or book-related. Please say so if you have a specific verse in mind.
8. Crossovers/AU’s etc are welcome as long as they contain one character from Sherlock Holmes.
9. If you know of art in other places that fills the prompt, please link!
10. Multiple responses to one prompt are welcomed and encouraged!
11. I’m not going to get too crazy about this, but if something contains adult content, please say so in the comment line!

NOTE: Many people have messaged me asking to join the comm. Sorry you guys! No one joins, all the action goes down in the comments.

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