Title: Darkest Memories
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry, Reboot to JJ Abrams. Doom belongs to whoever owns it. Everything else is probably mine.
Warnings: Crossover (Doom), Slash, Language, Violence, Medical ickiness, Spoilers (Doom, Star Trek)
Summary: McCoy is forced to face a certain dark part of his past and his feelings for Kirk-all at the same time.
Author’s Notes: A different kind of strength is needed here.
Chapter Eleven: Maia’s Choice
Unidentified computer lab, Olduvai II
Maia was almost finished setting up the manual self destruct when she happened to glance up at the security feed.
“Shit,” she swore, seeing McCoy trapped in a mind meld with Solvak (at least, she assumed McCoy was Solvak’s victim, she couldn’t actually see who was trapped in the ceiling).
Thinking fast, she primed the computer to transport McCoy out of the ceiling and to the Enterprise before automatically activating the manual self-destruct, and all on her command. Then she grabbed the phaser McCoy had given her and raced out of the computer lab to McCoy’s rescue. Enhanced by the C-24, it didn’t take her long to reach them.
Corridor, Olduvai II
Solvak was unaware of Maia’s presence, for which she was grateful. Taking careful aim, Maia fired twice at the Vulcan, once in the head and once in the heart. His concentration broken, Solvak found the meld dissolve apart against his will as he staggered away from the unconscious doctor still trapped in the ceiling. And not a moment too soon, as it turned out.
As the Vulcan staggered back from McCoy, his fingers began to change as the C-24 began to take a greater hold over him.
Maia didn’t notice this, however, as she was too busy saving the doctor to notice what was going on with Solvak.
“Computer, activate program Sylar M One,” she ordered the computer one last time.
”Working,” acknowledged the computer, just moments before McCoy disappeared in the shimmer of the transporter beam.
Solvak turned on Maia, furious at the loss of his prey.
“You will pay for that, Maia,” he growled at her.
“You will pay for killing my husband, Solvak,” Maia calmly replied.
As Solvak lunged at her, the entire base was obliterated in a massive fireball.