Fanfiction Index

Feb 02, 2011 00:12

 Hey guys~

This is going to be the complete Masterlist of all of the fanfiction I post on the internet, whether it be here, on deviantArt or on; I know there isn't an awful lot on here at the moment, but I'm hoping that by starting out with less I'll be more likely to update this list as I post things rather than leaving the whole lot for another time (and procrastinating. Cause let's face it if there's one thing I am expert at, it's procrastinating...)

Since I'm going to put the link for this post in the side bar, I'm not going to bother stickying it, but if anyone thinks it would be easier for it to be stickied, just let me know~

General warning for slash and language; I don't write explicit things so no worries there, but if I  ever do I'll add warnings to their respective story summaries.

I'm putting these in the order that they were written, so oldest first. (And the Fandoms are alphabetical ^^ )

Axis Powers Hetalia

Birds Of A Feather
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 |
Main Character/Pairing: England/Prussia
Summary: His voice was a mocking lilt and the sly curve of his lip had the boy opposite clenching his fists, one hand almost crushing the cigarette between his fingers as he trembled with barely suppressed rage. Gakuen Hetalia AU. Multichapter.

I'll Be Praying For You
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: India, England
Summary: India visits, as she does every year. England struggles to understand why. Raksha Bandhan/Independance Day. OneShot.

Of Cartoons And Pancakes
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Canada, Prussia
Summary: “Remind me again; why are we doing this?” “Because it’s the least you could do after bursting into my house demanding that I drop everything and make you pancakes.” OneShot.

| Lj | | dArt | Pixiv | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia, Germany
Summary: “Europe tears itself to pieces around us, yet here we sit.” Oneshot.

Stops And Stations
| Lj | | AO3 |
Main Character/Pairing: England/France, America/Canada
Summary: A chance encounter on the train which may or may not help him figure out his life while train strikes leave Alfred stranded at the station. Just great. AU TwoShot.

| Lj | | dArt | Pixiv | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia, England
Summary: “The core of Germany is Prussia. There is the source of the recurring pestilence.” Winston Churchill. OneShot.

Wǒ shì tái wān; 我是台灣
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: China, Taiwan
Summary: China is hosting the Olympics, but will his stubbornness cause him to lose another of his siblings? OneShot.

All In A Days Work
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: England/Prussia
Summary: Weillschmidt, That crazy woman you who likes to bother you has decided that I'm deserving of her attention. Would you be so kind as to tell me how to go about getting rid of her? Preferably without having her resort to violence. Arthur Kirkland. AU. Multichapter.

| Lj | | dArt | Pixiv | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: England/Prussia
Summary: Eyes sparkling dangerously, Prussia let a slight leer light his features as he fought to hide the way his chest heaved with exertion. "Yield," he breathed dangerously, satisfaction creeping up his spine. Drabble.

The One Sentence Meme
| Lj | dArt | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: England/Prussia
Summary: He watches the wall go up and can’t help but think he’s on the wrong side. 10 prompted One Sentence drabbles for Prussia/England.

Another One Sentence Meme
| Lj | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: England/India/Portugal
Summary: He’s been watching the two of them bet closer and closer with every morning they visit the café and every cup of tea that they drink; he almost doesn’t believe it when one day they turn and draw him into their circle as well. 10 prompted One Sentence drabbles for England/India/Portugal

As Strangely Deliver'd by Pyrates
| Lj | | dArt | Pixiv | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary: He glances from the corner of his eye; that hand is sure and steady, and if he isn’t very very careful he’ll find a bullet buried into his skull before he can even blink. This is the kind of danger he thrives on. AU Oneshot.

Not Another One Sentence Meme! D=
| Lj | dArt | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Russia/China/Prussia
Summary: When he looks south to see if he can spot that noisy child waving his sword or the slightly older dark haired boy who’s usually minding an equally dark haired sibling, the way is blocked by General Winter; his protector now confines him, and he can’t help resent that as it’s the first time he’s plucked up the courage and resolve to finally speak to them. 10 prompted One Sentence drabbles for Russia/China/Prussia.

Off Script
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England, Germany
Summary: "N@West Building Society Lending Centre; this is Arthur speaking. How may I help you today?" Arthur's morning becomes anything but monotonous due to an interesting customer. AU Oneshot. Part of the Music Meme, based on Spend Your Life by Hadouken!

In Need Of Fine Tuning
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary: When Arthur woke in a room that was definitely not his own he was struck by two thoughts - one, that he'd never heard the flute solo from Daphnis et Chloe played quite like that before; and two, how on Earth could anyone live in such a pigsty?! AU. Multichapter.

Curtain Call
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary: He doesn’t know how long he has been there. Time seems to have come to a standstill amongst the nothingness that stretches to infinity in all directions, though, he muses, it’s entirely possible that it has just accelerated and left him behind. Oneshot. Part of the Music Meme, based on Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine

Five Times Captain Kirkland Refused to Believe His Eyes and the One Time He Had No Choice
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary: It had been a productive night for Captain Kirkland and his band of pirates; a successful raid had left the whole ship giddy with accomplishment long before the rum had been brought out. AU Multipart.

Best Served Chilled
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary:  “Really, I have no idea how you managed to get into a bet with two ten year olds about headstands of all things.” “Actually, I think you’ll find we started out with handstands. They upped the stakes.” Oneshot. Part of the Music Meme, based on Bruises by Chairlift.

Halcyon Days
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: England/Japan
Summary: Japan sighs fondly; if he were anyone else he’d be rolling his eyes in exasperation by now but he can’t help the amusement he feels at the situation. Written for love_and_tea  's summer spree~

Out of the Bag
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England
Summary: "Good luck," Arthur says, meaning it despite the fact that Gilbert is a potential rival. Gilbert grins back. "You too; don't think either of us will need it, to be honest though." Oneshot. Written for Themed Contest on Knight&Pirate, dArt.

Nota Bene
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Character/Pairing: Prussia/England, Germany
Summary: It's the first way that they mark the place as their own; this flat that they have bought together to be 'theirs' rather than 'Arthur's, where Gilbert often stays over' or vice versa. Set in  Off Script-verse, but can be read as a stand-alone. (Modern AU) Oneshot.

Not All Who Wonder
| Lj | | dArt |
Main Character/Pairing: fem!Prussia/England
Summary: She isn't surprised when she spots him lounging against the wall of the off licence, hands shoved roughly into his pockets and smoke curling from his lips. Punk!England/fem!Prussia. AU. Drabble.

The Secret's in the Soup
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Characters/Pairings: Slight Prussia/England
Prompt: England taking care of Prussia (cooking) while Prussia's sick. Oneshot. Written as a Pinch Hit for the Secret Santa Event on Knight&Pirate, dArt.

Like a Circle in the Water
| Lj | FF.NET | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Characters/Pairings: Prussia/England
Summary: The youngest son of Baron Kirkland is captivated by one of the best soldiers of the lower city. The soldier? Isn't quite sure what to do with the attention. Written for the 30 Days of Writing a Drabble a Day Challenge. Medieval AU.


Swings And Roundabouts And Climbing Frames
| Lj | | dArt | AO3 |
Main Character/Pairing: Kida/Mikado
Summary: Before he was even aware of what he was doing and it was so like Mikado to get caught up in something like this on account of Kida , Mikado was hanging upside down; fists clenching fearfully around the metal as he attempted to stay still. OneShot.

| Lj | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Characters/Pairings: Simon, Saki, Namie/Seiji (one-sided), Dotachin, Anri/Mika, Izaya/World, Celty/Shinra, Erika/Walker, Shizuo/Kasuka and Kida/Mikado
Summary: She watches life pass her by, a sheet of glass separating her from the world she now fears returning to. 10 unrelated Durarara!! drabbles.

| kmeme | Lj | | dArt | AO3 | tumblr |
Main Characters/Pairing: Izaya/Shizuo, Shinra, Kadota
Summary: If there was one thing that Shizuo was sure of, it was that there was no way in hell that Izaya was going to let him graduate high school in peace. Oneshot. Kinkmeme de-anon.


I haven't been following the anime or manga for a long time and have mostly lost interest, but for anyone who is interested here is what I've written for the fandom. Most of it is quite old and I haven't had the chance to go back and purge any of it yet so apologies for anything that might be wrong with them! (Feel free to point any mistakes out!)

Just A Little Guidance
Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Sasuke
Summary: Hinata, a counseller, has a new client who refuses to talk to her. Will this improve with their weekly appointment, or wil he continue his silence? AU Multichapter.

Forget Me Not
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Main Character/Pairing: Kaede/Konohamaru
Summary: Based on the crimson four leafed clover special episode. It's been 3 years; Kaede reflects. Drabble.

Snap Shots
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Main Character/Pairing: Ino/Naruto
Summary: “Never say you were worried on my account,” he panted, grin still managing to stay in place even as blood coloured his fingers. 50 themes. 50 Drabbles.

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Main Chatacter/Pairing: Sasuke, Itachi
Summary: What exactly did Sasuke do to make Itachi decide to make his little brother's life a misery? Humour/Crack. Multichapter.

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Main Character/Pairing: Sasuke/Tenten
Summary: Trying to revise whilst your prodigious boyfriend is bored is certainly no easy feat! AU OneShot.

A Rose With Thorns Still Smells Sweet
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Main Character/Pairing: Neji/Tenten, Hinata
Summary: Neji discovers that not all of the ladies at court are the same, and that not all changes in custom are bad. Medieval AU. Multichapter.

| dArt |
Main Character/Pairing: Hinata, Sasuke
Summary: “I heard that you did not like to be the centre of attention. I must have heard wrong.” Hinata’s face contorted with confusion. His smirk grew a little wider, “When I heard talk of a high born lady shooting arrows in the midst of a tempest I thought it was a lie." Medieval AU (Same Universe as above). OneShot.

| | dArt |
Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Sasuke
Summary: All he’d wanted was a mug of his favourite coffee. Was that so much to ask for? AU. Multichapter.

Fatal Attraction
| | dArt |
Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Sasuke
Summary:  “I would be put to death for just speaking to you…” “Do we truly live if life is without any risk?” Medieval AU. OneShot

Main Character/Pairing: Sasuke/Tenten
Summary: “I see you are not the regular arrogant aristocrat.” She smirked on the inside as once again, he was caught off guard. “And it seems that you too are not the average maid.” Medieval AU. OneShot.

Once In A Blue Moon
Main Character/Pairing: Hinata, Shino
Summary: As a teacher in the Academy, Iruka had picked up the indispensable skill of lip-reading: he observed the exchange between the heirs of two clans with growing interest. OneShot.

A Knight's Duty
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Main Character/Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke
Summary: "The call to muster has been issued; you ride in three days.” Impending war, two green knights and an internal conflict of ones duty to different things. Medieval AU. TwoShot

Sparks Fly
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Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Naruto
Summary: “I would not have expected to find you here today of all days Naruto.” “I could say the same to you Hyuuga-sama.” OneShot.

Dream On
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Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Sasuke
Summary: The only thing they had in common was the fact that they both dreamed of being mangakas… and that what was expected of them both was something quite different. AU. Multichapter.

All Walks Of Life
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Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Kiba
Summary: Kiba’s curiosity regarding the mystery girl at the park is growing, but will he ever actually pluck up the courage to actually speak to her? AU. OneShot.

Fearless Hearts
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Main Character/Pairing: Hinata/Itachi
Summary: He had expected the layout of his part to be the same all day. But then again, things expected never go to plan. AU. OneShot


The Crossover Meme
| Lj | dArt |
Fandoms: Ace Attorney, Axis Powers Hetalia, Durarara!!, Kingdom Hearts, Merlin (BBC), Tortall
Main Characters/Pairngs: 1. Axel/Edgeworth 2. Merlin, Will 3. England, Kel 4. Edgeworth/Neal/Roxas 5. Phoenix, Kida 6. England, Norway 7. Kida, Mikado 8. Phoenix, Alanna, Neal 9. Prussia, Kel 10. Axel/Merlin 11. Prussia, Roxas
Summary: Name 10 characters before you read the prompts. Then, write a fic of 100 words or less for each prompt. Drabbles/Too-Long-To-Be-Drabbles-Too-Short-To-Be-OneShots


...These are even older than the Naruto ones... Though I hope to write more for Tortall because I still love it so much; I think it'll always be special since it was my first fandom =D

| Scars | Are You Happy Now? | Alone | Friends |
Summary: A series of OneShots told from Jon's perspective:
-The night of Alanna's seventeenth birthday
-After proposing to the Lioness
-When Alanna returns to Corus after acquiring the Dominion Jewel
-Upon meeting Thayet

5 Things That Never Happened To Delia of Eldorne
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Summary: A soon to be collection of drabbles about Delia, and things that we didn't see in the books...Written in response to Seanfhocal challenge 24 on TDD.

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Summary: What's in a name? Alot! Alexander of Tirragen comes back to haunt a certain page... so to speak! OneShot.


Musings In History
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Fandom: Spirited Away
Pairing: Chihiro/Haku
Summary: It's been 6 years since Haku made his promise yet he still hasn't shown up. A slice of Chihiro's everyday life and inner thoughts. OneShot.

| Lj | AO3 | tumblr |
Fandom: Ookiku Furikabutte
Pairings: Izumi pairings (Izumi/Nishihiro, Izumi/Shinooka, Izumi/Momokan, Izumi/Sakaeguchi, Izumi/Hanai, Izumi/Abe, Izumi/Tajima, Izumi/Mihashi, Izumi/Mizutani and Izumi/Hamada)
Summary: That first day when the coach crushes whole oranges with her bare hands, he’s as terrified as the rest of the team. 10 unrelated Izumi pairing drabbles.

f:tortall, fanfiction, f:spirited_away, f:oofuri, f:merlin (bbc), f:kingdom hearts, f:ace attorney, f:naruto, f:hetalia, !masterlist, f:durarara!!

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