[newtypeshadow] breaking illusions

Jul 19, 2010 00:08

Title: Breaking Illusions
Author: newtypeshadow
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Original
Pairing: m/m
Wordcount: 3,701
Warnings: Language. Porn. Magic.

Rafe had nothing against hiring prostitutes; he just thought it was tacky. So when the city council tapped him to check out a hooker who might be using illegal magic and wasn't in their registry, he wasn't exactly thrilled. Sure, the guy had high marks from his online reviewers, but Rafe wasn't sleeping with some strange guy for cash, no matter how hot he was. He just had to find out if he was using magic, then get the hell out. He didn't even have to kiss this Lee Longstaff guy--and what the hell kind of name was that? Porn was so tacky. He might be lonely, but even he wasn't that desperate.

But the man who opened Room 324 wiped all thoughts of tacky prostitutes from Rafe's mind.

Lee Longstaff had smoky almond-shaped eyes, black hair long enough to grab in a fist, and a complexion somewhere between golden and burnt honey. Rafe couldn't help the sweep his eyes did, and the man's resultant smirk only heightened his allure.

"Come in," Lee said, stepping back with a polite nod.

Rafe stepped up to the threshold, feeling like an ugly duckling with his stringy hair, stringy frame, and skinny wrists. Lee didn't seem upset by his appearance though, nor did anything feel off about the room. So, with bated breath, Rafe stepped inside.

Lee closed the door, and Rafe jumped. Lee chuckled, the sound full and teasing, and stroked Rafe's arms with warm hands. "How about you give me this--" he slid his hands up Rafe's arms to his jacket collar, "--and we'll talk about how you want to party."

Rafe reluctantly let Lee take his jacket, shivering when his arms were bare (not because Lee's mouth brushed the back of his neck) and wondering what to do.

"You seem tense."

Rafe huffed, lips twisting into something he hoped was a smile, but that probably looked like death. "I generally don't do this."

Lee grinned. "Your friend said you've never done this."

His friend on the council, who set up the appointment. Great--they'd talked about him, too? "That friend is dead to me," Rafe growled.

To Rafe's surprise, Lee laughed. "He also said you might be a little prickly. We need to loosen you up." He pushed Rafe lightly, playfully, toward the bed, until Rafe's calves hit the mattress and there was nowhere for the rest of him to go but down.

So he sat.

Lee gave his chest a final push and crawled on top of him. Rafe found himself staring at Lee's lips, alternately wanting to kiss them, and ohfuck--

"So you do wanna party," Lee said, grinding against Rafe's traitorous cock through his jeans.

Rafe clenched his teeth and bit off a moan.

Lee's face loomed closer, lips pausing a breath away. "You wanna fuck me, Rafe?" He licked the edge of Rafe's upper lip, slid a hand through his hair to press firmly against his neck. Rafe shivered, lips parting on their own, inviting Lee before he realized he'd done it. Lee pressed their mouths together, soft and smooth and gentle as the tongue sliding past his lips, begging entrance of his closed teeth, and receiving it as Rafe accepted he was sunk. He slid his hands against Lee's sides, one moving to cupping his ass, the other edging under Lee's white, slick shirt and holding onto the warm skin he found there, pulling Lee closer.

The kiss ended abruptly. Lee nipped Rafe's lip and said, "We gonna party?" Rafe paused, and Lee raised an eyebrow. "You want me to strip for you? I guarantee you'll like it." His tongue slid along his teeth, slow and predatory, and Rafe swallowed.


"We're gonna party?"


Lee shimmied up and off of Rafe, taking Rafe's pants with him with a few deft movements, and the shoes with them. "Strip," he ordered, motioning to Rafe's shirt.

Rafe slid the t-shirt over his head and scooted awkwardly to lean against the headboard. He was hard, but knew if he thought too much about what he was doing, he would soon be too soft to enjoy it.

Lee sashayed close to the bed, just out of touching distance, and, looking all the while into Rafe's eyes, untied the sash holding his shirt closed. He hung the sash around his neck and let the shirt slide off his shoulders and fall to the ground. Lee was muscular, but not overly so, and his skin was flawless.

Too flawless.

Rafe's eyes glazed as Lee began slipping out of his pants, and soon realized the problem: He was trapped in an illusion. He closed his eyes, breathed, and then gave a push, fingers spasming with the physical echo of what his mind was doing magically. When he opened his eyes, the illusion was broken.

And Lee was staring at him in confusion, shirtless and with sash around his neck, but pants still firmly in place at his hips. "How--"

Rafe's eyes narrowed. "Is this how you earned those stellar reviews?"

Instead of being embarrassed, Lee began to smile. It was slow and wicked and should not have gone straight to Rafe's cock the way it did, bringing it back to full hardness in moments. "You're not like most of my clients," he said, untying his pants again--for real this time--and letting them, too, slide to the floor. "This will be fun, I think." He paused. "Well, more than usual."

He was on top of Rafe, cock slick against his chest, and ass so close and too far from Rafe's own cock, before Rafe entirely knew whether to give in to his anger or his libido.

"You can't--"

Lee kissed him, pressed against him and moved like Rafe was someone to move for, and it was with an edge of desperation that Rafe pushed him away and scrambled to his feet.

"I know this is your job and all, but--uh--"

Lee looked for all the world like a cat stunned at its sudden abandonment on the bed, but when his eyes fixed on Rafe, it was like he smelled fear. He shook his head and slinked off the bed.

"We can't do this," Rafe said, hurrying to gather his clothes and hold them protectively over his traitorous cock. "Anyway, I need to report you to the register, since you're clearly using magic without a license for this kind of thing--"

"Are you some kind of cop?" Lee purred, trapping Rafe against a wall and leaning in to nip at his throat. "'Cause you can cuff me if you want. I even brought my own pair."

A voice should not sound so sinful, feel so hot against Rafe's neck that it electrified his spine. Rafe swallowed with difficulty and pushed at Lee. "I got what I came for. I'm leaving."

Lee didn't budge, but his expression lost some of its feral edge. "But you want to sleep with me," he said.

"That's not the point," Rafe snapped, looking away. "I need to go. You got your money or whatever, so your obligation to me is over."

Lee dropped his arms and sighed. "It's the prostitute thing, isn't it?" he said, leaning against the wall while Rafe slid on his t-shirt and tried to work his cock into his jeans without injuring himself. "Some people do take issue with it. It doesn't make you less of a man, if that's what you're worried about."

"Look," Rafe said, toeing on his shoes and stuffing his socks into his back pocket, "why do you even want to sleep with me? I'm a--a john. That's not weird for you?"

"Not really," Lee said, shrugging. "It's not every day I have actual sex with a client. You're cute though. And you broke my illusion. That makes you pretty damn interesting."

"Yeah," Rafe said, "well, you're pretty interesting too, but this really isn't working for me, so, uh--yeah." He headed for the door, then stopped and turned. Held out a hand, feeling awkward. "It was nice to meet you. Despite the circumstances."

"Oh?" Lee shook his hand, then tugged him close and kissed him, pressing close. "The feeling is mutual."

Rafe growled in his throat as the kiss broke, dipping back in for another before he realized he'd done it. Lee smirked when they separated. "You can stay, you know. I won't hold it against you."

"My time should be up soon anyway," Rafe said, pulling away before he lost the ability to. "Bye."

He was pulling the door closed behind him when he thought he heard Lee say "See you later." Then the lock slid into place, and Rafe shook his head, trying to clear away the thought of seeing Lee again. That was just ridiculous.


Rafe's little Victorian house was built on the outskirts of a mid-sized city, and had been in his family for generations, passed down with the job that came with it: running the waystation and doing magical odd jobs. And, of course, keeping the bloodline near the city's magical heart. Rafe's family had ties to the city itself, and without someone of their bloodline within a certain distance, the flow of magic would have no outlet should it flood or need preserving. That was Rafe's job: a magical sump-pump for his city. The job was supposed to go to his older sister, but she wanted to travel, and her twin brother didn't want the responsibility--couldn't've handled the constant flow of magic anyway, to be honest. So it fell to Rafe, when their parents were killed, to take up where they'd left off--keeping the bloodline safe and within city limits.

It wasn't a glamourous life, but it worked well enough. Rafe would never be rich, and he knew it: his guests, many of whom were seeking sanctuary, could rarely pay him in cash. So while Rafe had much of value around the house--more healing potions than he hoped to need in a lifetime, for example--very little of it would earn him a name for himself among the people his siblings most valued.

Tonight, there were no guests to take care of or employers needing things done. Which was good, because since he'd met Lee Stafford and turned the registrar loose on him, Rafe couldn't stop checking into Lee, trying to figure out why a man so beautiful would turn to prostitution when he planned to use magic to avoid actually turning tricks. He couldn't find out much though; from fourteen to twenty-two, Lee vanished from pretty much all public record--just another runaway without a paper trail.

The doorbell rang.

Rafe stood with a frown and strode out of the kitchen to the front door. No one came at night unless there was a problem, or they were running from something. He readied a defensive spell and leaned to look through the peephole.

Lee Stafford was standing on his doorstep in fitted jeans and a tight gray t-shirt. Rafe did not need this right now. His cock might, but he didn't.

Lee knocked again, and Rafe dropped the spell and opened the door.

Lee pushed past him, dragging a small travel suitcase in after him. What the fuck?

"What are you doing at my house?"

"Aw, don't be like that," Lee said with entirely too much confidence in his pout. He slid a finger along Rafe's cheek and down his arm to wrap a hand around it. "I heard you were much more welcoming to your guests. Were your reviewers wrong?"

Rafe's eyes narrowed.

Lee kicked the door shut and locked it. "So, where'm I sleeping? And you can't kick me out," he said, raising a finger to stall Rafe's protest, "I've already paid for two nights. And I'm not leaving." He grinned.

Rafe grit his teeth and sighed. "You can sleep in the green room."

"Is that your room?"


"Then I'll sleep in your room." Lee picked up his suitcase. "Which way?"

"Why are you doing this?" Rafe asked, taking the suitcase and setting it back on the floor. "If this is about last week, I told you, you don't need to sleep with me."

Lee raised an eyebrow and hooked his fingers in Rafe's belt loops. Rafe put his hands on Lee's wrists, but Lee didn't let go. "This is about me wanting you to fuck me," Lee said, grinding his hard cock into Rafe's thigh. Rafe's fingers clutched Lee's wrists, and his cock jumped in his house sweats. "Sadly for me, you keep refusing." His lips brushed Rafe's, a chaste kiss. "How do we keep that from happening again?"

Rafe licked his lips, breath shallow. "Your file said--"

"You read my file?" Lee grinned like a cat who'd finally caught its mouse. "You like me."

Rafe looked away. "Look, you're new to the community. You don't need to settle for the first magic-wielding guy you see--"

Lee dragged Rafe's face to his by the chin, suddenly all fire. "I don't settle," he snarled, and kissed Rafe with a possessive fury that made Rafe's knees week, had him gripping Lee to keep upright. "There are very few interesting people in this world," Lee continued while Rafe gasped for breath and shuddered against Lee's thigh, "and I happen to think you're very interesting. I read your file, too. You didn't have to stay here and run this place, but you did--and that makes you a pretty cool guy." He stroked Rafe's cheek, a fondness in his touch that Rafe didn't know quite how to take. "So we're going to go to your bedroom now," he said, bite back in his voice, "and I'm going to blow you, and you're going to fuck me within an inch of my life." He withdrew and picked up his suitcase. "Which way?"

Rafe pulled himself together with difficulty and pointed down past the kitchen to the end of the hall. Lee strode ahead, leaving Rafe to follow, and opened first the bathroom door, then the bedroom door. He set his suitcase down inside the second, pulled something out of its front pouch, and walked the rest of the way to Rafe's homely double bed, sliding off his shirt, shoes, and socks as he did so, leaving a trail of clothes in his wake. He was shimmying out of his jeans when Rafe got in and shut the door.

"You're serious."

Lee glared at Rafe. "Strip."

Rafe's heart thumped in his chest as swaths of that dark, warm skin were revealed with quick, sure movements. He slid off his sweats, then his t-shirt, and realized he had nothing else to take off. He scratched the back of his head, cock bobbing in the air as Lee grinned at him, then took a few hesitant steps forward.

Lee climbed onto the bed and waited.

Rafe told himself to stop being an coward and an ass, to loosen up. It didn't work. Then Lee reached down and started jacking himself, and Rafe decided, Whatever, they both wanted it, he might as well, and climbed onto the bed. Decision made, he was on Lee in moments, kissing, licking, nipping, biting. Lee arched under him, muttering obscenities with every breath, and raking short nails up Rafe's back. He grabbed for Rafe's cock and jacked it hard, firm, and then turned Rafe into a further mess by kissing him like his tongue was fucking Rafe's mouth. Rafe broke off with a moan and buried his head in Lee's neck, trying to suck in lungfuls of air and getting only Lee's intoxicating scent, the musk of earth and sex and the spicy tang of cologne.

"I'm going to blow you now," Lee said into his ear.

Rafe whined, and Lee flipped him onto his back and did just that. His hair was perfect for gripping, and his hands on Rafe's ass only gripped harder, pulled deeper, when Rafe's hips jerked into him by accident, and then on purpose because Lee was making these moans that left no doubt how he wanted to be used.

When Lee pulled off, pre-cum dribbling and saliva making his lips glisten, he smirked. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Rafe's growl sounded more needy than annoyed, he feared, but Lee didn't seem to hold it against him. He dragged himself up Rafe's body, skin electrifying skin with every touch, and his cock leaving a thin trail of wet as it made its way up to Rafe's mouth. "You should stretch me," Lee said, reaching to the nightstand and grabbing a small bottle of lube and a foil condom packet. "I brought holyshitfuck--"

Rafe hummed his smugness around Lee's cock, lips hollowing and tongue teasing the slit of the spongy head in his mouth, swallowing the salty dribbles from it with relish. Lee arched and tried to pull out of his mouth, but Rafe's hands on his ass held him there.

"You--holy fuck you need to stretch me--"

Rafe held up two fingers and let Lee figure out what they meant.

He only released Lee's cock when he'd fit one, then two inside his ass, the skin inside hot and tight, so tight, Rafe's hips jacked of their own accord. After three, Lee had slid back against Rafe's cock and was begging him between kisses and breathy moans, shuddering and writhing against Rafe's chest like he was in heat.

"In, goddammit," Lee said, grabbing blindly for the condom and fumbling with it until it was open. Rafe chuckled and Lee bit his shoulder, a place on himself Rafe never knew was erogenous until he arched into Lee and then arched again because Lee was sliding the condom onto him and then sliding himself down on top of it. "Yesyesyesyesyes--"

It was almost too much, Lee's blissful expression and the feel of him closing around Rafe's cock. Rafe's head thrust back into his pillow, eyes closing against so much sensation. He grabbed at Lee to steady himself, found an arm, the hair swung down over Lee's face, and pulled Lee down for a desperate kiss. Lee's cock jumped, trapped between their chests, and Rafe's gave an answering pulse. Rafe dragged his knees up to get leverage, and when Lee pushed back against him, he thrust up to meet him.

Their thighs rubbed, slick with sweat, and Rafe's balls slapped against Lee's ass once they caught a rhythm, the sound driving Rafe wild the way sucking those golden fingers into his mouth seemed to do for Lee. Lee gripped Rafe's thighs, bouncing on his cock and then grinding down so forcefully the tingles played their way down Rafe's spine, through his body, and he felt himself winding tighter and tighter, that electricity coiling into itself and readying itself to burst. "Lee," he gasped, grabbing the other man's cock and jacking to the rhythm of their hips, "Lee, so close... so close..."

Lee collapsed upon him and kissed him, grinding hard and grabbing at him like they still weren't close enough, pressed skin to skin and buried one within the other, sweat mingling and tongues darting between their mouths like the two were one. "You gonna come for me?" he asked when the kiss broke.

Rafe groaned. "Please--"

Lee bit his shoulder again, so hard Rafe was sure it would bruise, and Rafe gave a full body shudder and came.

Lee moaned as Rafe's hips stuttered and his hand tightened around the head of Lee's cock. His words slurred into a long, drawn out curse, and as Rafe relaxed into the bed, palming Lee's cock with post-orgasmic reverence, Lee's cock pulsed in his hand, and spurted white.

For a time they lay there, breathing, touching, kissing. "That wasn't so bad, right?" Lee said, voice hoarse.

Rafe tried to glare, but found he couldn't. Lee was adorably tousled, his black hair sticking out where Rafe had grabbed it, his lips kiss-swollen, and hickeys decorating his neck and shoulders. "Yes dear," he said, rolling his eyes.

Lee tittered. "You're finally learning." He sat up and wiped hair from his face, and slid off the bed. "I'll be right back," he said, sliding off Rafe's condom and taking it with him unerringly into the the master bathroom. The water ran, and Lee came back and cleaned them both, then took the washcloth back.

Rafe sat up and straightened the mussed sheets and blankets, and then yawned. When Lee came back, he'd cocooned himself in blankets and was trying to stay awake.

Lee climbed in beside him, spooning against Rafe's front and covering them both again. Rafe fell asleep breathing in Lee's scent, one hand under their shared pillow, the other clasped against Lee's chest.


Rafe woke early the next morning to find all of the bedroom doors closed and locked.

Another illusion.

He sighed, and turned to Lee to tell him to knock it off...but Lee was asleep. He really had to pee though, so he pushed--and nothing happened. No ripple, no breaking, no nothing. The illusion held. He frowned back at Lee, and slowly his frown worked into a grin. For someone unschooled in magic, Lee was a lot stronger than he'd thought, if only unconsciously. "Lee," he called.

Lee mumbled something and turned, then paused and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What're you doing over there?"

The illusion melted, to Rafe's amusement. "Going to the bathroom."

"Oh," Lee said, face pillow-marked and lips forming a sleepy pout. "Well, come back soon. I'm not done with you."

Rafe snorted and closed the bathroom door, hoping despite himself that Lee would not be done for a long, long time.

rent boys, day of porn

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