Nov 19, 2006 23:55
I was introduced to this community by my sister-in-law (that still makes me giggle... it's only been just over a month since I was married). She participated in this last year and had such a wonderful experience with it all, and thought this would be something I'd really get a kick out of.
And she's totally right!
I've been looking over everyone's lists for the past couple of days, and have been able to grant a few good wishes for people already with stuff that's just lying around my house. What a really fantastic idea for spreading holiday cheer. You never know who has what that they're not using anymore, and you'd be amazed at how those things can be found on other people's wishlists!
And don't forget to put tags on your entries so they're easier to find within the backlog later on in December! Having the wish lists 'searchable' makes it so much easier to find wishes to fulfill with the stuff you have to give. :)
This will be the first holiday that my husband and I spend together ourselves, and we were a touch worried that being away from family would dampen the holiday spirit. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, and this community has totally put me in the best mood ever. I love that I've already made someone's holidays with a wish granting, and I can't wait to see just how many wishes I can fulfill.
Thanks to the creator and the moderator team for coming up with this and maintaining such a great place. (do you guys have holiday wishes?)
*claps and cheers*
1. Chopsticks - I have a bit of a collection of them. Pretty ornate ones, fun little kids ones, shiny stylish ones, plain wooden ones, even pull-apart-ones from the local teriyaki place. I love chopsticks. I think I have more chopsticks in my house than I do forks. heh. The more the merrier, I say. And they're so much more fun to eat with than plain ol' forks.
2. Comfy Colourful Cozy Socks - I loooooove socks. I have so many already, but you can never have enough of them, I say. Whenever I'm in a clothing store, I always check out their socks section 'cause you never know when you'll find the coolest pair. Fuzzy socks, fun shiny coloured socks, ankle socks, knee socks... whatever! Maybe that's my vice.. some people it's coffee or cigarettes, with me, it's socks.
3. Cookies - okay, so socks and cookies (and bubblewrap). Cookies are love! Homemade cookies are AWESOME. My heart goes mushy for a good cookie. I'd love to have a package filled with cookies delivered to me. Homemade unique recipe cookies, or good ol' chocolate chip, or even a box of cookies that are unique to where you're from. Canadian Oreos!! (I moved from Toronto, Canada this year to the US, and there's a difference I tell ya! My husband thinks I'm crazy, but there's a slight mintiness to the Canadian ones, I swear!...they're better) or TimTams from 'down unda'!! omg... best cookies ever!
4. Christmas Ornaments - My mother gives my brother and I a new ornament every year as part of our stocking. We have one for each year of our life... alas, my little collection is back in Canada with my mom, and this will be the first year my husband and I will be on our own without our families. It would be nice to gather up a little collection of ornaments to decorate our new home and tree. Handmade ornaments are even better. I make holiday ornaments myself, and handmade ones tend to have more holiday spirit stored inside them.
okay... I'm noticing a 'C' trend.. let's try to change that up...
5. Beads - glass beads, seed beads, crystal beads, swarovski *drools* Making jewelry is one of my hobbies and I love using beads for embellishing my sewing and craft project... needless to say, I can't pass a craft store without looking at the beads. Beads are always welcome in my home, and they're always put to good use. I think it's also my magpie tendencies kicking into overdrive. LOVE SHINIES! Can't get enough...
6. Movie Suggestions - My husband and I love to watch movies. Our dvd collection is ever growing. We're always on the lookout for interesting titles, and I'm wondering what some of your favourites are. Maybe there's something we haven't seen! We like pretty much every genre but have a soft spot for indie/quirky/festival types. What movie can you absolutely not live without? What movie do you watch that guarantees to cheer you up? What movie can you recite if asked to? If you have any dvds lying around that could use a good home, or maybe a movie file on your computer that you'd like to share, maybe we can exchange a title two. There are so many great movies out there.
7. Family Dinner Recipes - I really enjoy cooking, and am looking to expand my repertoire. I've got a whole bunch of dessert and sweets recipes from friends already, but I'd like to know more dinner-ish stuff. Do you have a family favourite dish that's a crowd pleaser? Is there a neat lunch/snack that you're famous for whipping up for parties? How about trading some tips and tricks to make the most of those 'prepared' 'boxed' meals that we tend purchase when we first move out on our own... I love finding new ways to prepare things and welcome new recipes with open arms and having a husband with a healthy appetite makes one wanna learn new things all the time.
8. Ribbon, Trim, Buttons and Lace - This could very well coincide with the above 'beads' wish. I enjoy sewing and am a rather crafty person. I like making handbags and skirts and various other fun things, and ribbons and trims always make things look prettier... most of the time anyway. I like adding decorative embellishment to my projects and love having lots to choose from on-hand. If you've got some spare bits of trim or a few mismatched buttons just sorta lying around not getting used - feel free to pass them along this way. Or fabric even! I have loads of fabric in my ever-growing collection. How does swapping a yard of this for a yard of that sound? FabricSwaps are too much fun.
I've seen this one on other's wish lists and thought it was a great idea -
9. a PenPal - In the age of emails and instant messaging, letter writing is a dying art. I had penpals when I was little and it was so neat to get letters in the mail from far off places. My grandmother and I exchange letters every so often, and it just warms my heart to open up the mailbox to see a hand-addressed envelope as opposed to the usual flyers and bills. I'd love start some correspondence with various people... we've totally gotta bring back the letter writing!
And here's my big wish just incase Santa's out there reading this...
10. a dolfie...or Elfdoll or whatever... (for those of you on my friendslist - yeah, I wrote it.. I admit it... I want one *hangs head*) I have a few friends who are active within the doll communities who own their own dolls and make the prettiest outfits and accessories for them. The more I look into the whole balljoint doll thing - the more I kinda want one of my own. I'd love to have one as a template or form to make clothing for them maybe. If you own one of your own - what kind of doll do you have? What would you recommend for someone thinking of getting one? Are there better dolls or companies to purchase from? Any advice for a first time possible owner? They're really the sweetest things.. most of them anyhow - I've seen some scary ones. ;) This is my frivolous want for Christmas this year.. and it blows my mind how much they've grown on me.
It was a ridiculous thought to me less than a year ago... Curse me and my silly obsession for all things cute!
If you're able to send some holiday cheer my way, and maybe grant a wish, feel free to get in contact with me at lynandcolin at gmail dot com
I'm very much looking forward to spreading the spirit as much as I can.
Keep those lists coming - you never know who's looking.
Happy Holidays!