Holidays Wishes, 2023 Holiday Season!

Oct 30, 2023 09:08

Holiday Wishes is officially open! Time to break out the wishes, gifts, Holiday spirit and good cheer!

The spirit of the Holiday Wishes meme is for everyone to put their hearts' desires out there, to wish for anything they could possibly want, no strings attached. The history of how it all started can be read here.

Since we are collecting all of ( Read more... )

!rules, !f.a.q., !mod post, !reminders

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Comments 3

green_wing November 5 2023, 06:12:22 UTC
Would it possible for me to add a few more tags to my post? I just realised I forgot to add some relevant ones 🙀


bookaddict88 November 7 2023, 21:33:24 UTC
Totally fine!


kirei_xo_ai November 7 2023, 19:55:02 UTC
I'm happy too see this community again :) I'll be working on my list later and fulfill wishes too!


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