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Comments 7

mo_love_99 November 15 2019, 18:50:31 UTC

This makes my heart so happy!


dreamsofspike November 21 2019, 20:11:33 UTC
Hey, I looked at the "about" page and it said to leave a comment here if I had any questions, etc...

I'm a little confused, I made a post here that's awaiting moderation, but the rules page says I was supposed to make in on my own LJ? Am I supposed to post my list in both places? :)

Also, I accidentally left one item off my list, if there's any chance that I could add that last item before my list is posted, I'd love to - I understand if it's too late for that, though :)

Thank you guys so much for doing this! It's such a great, positive thing to look forward to taking part in every year!! <3


bookaddict88 November 22 2019, 19:15:08 UTC
Hi! The original concept this was based on is that you post to your own LJ, but in this community, you post here. Sorry this was confusing!

I will reject your list so you can add that last item. :)


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bookaddict88 December 7 2019, 14:31:22 UTC
Please be patient with us instead of leaving several comments in a day and a half. We get to this community when we can, but are super busy and cannot check constantly.

I have rejected your post, but for future reference, you can add tags later after it is posted. That is one change that is allowed.


evilvillan_1 December 8 2019, 23:58:40 UTC
I am sorry for being neurotic! Thank you for your hard work for this community.


hyperfocused December 7 2019, 06:22:47 UTC

Hi, I  apparently hit post accidentally while working on my list. Can you please reject it so I can post the real one later? Sorry for the idiocy.


bookaddict88 December 7 2019, 14:32:19 UTC
Yep, done! :)


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