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Comments 28

ghost_light November 16 2018, 17:07:31 UTC


davesmusictank November 18 2018, 08:59:27 UTC
Can you add me as I have a wish list to post?


bookaddict88 November 21 2018, 15:36:45 UTC
You can add yourself to the community, and then post your wishlist: https://www.livejournal.com/support/faq/101.html


green_wing November 23 2018, 11:31:05 UTC
I spent all day writing up my post and then totally forgot one of my most important ships *headdesk*

Could it be added please? I don't mind if you add it or if I have permission to make one small single line edit to add my fandom/ship, I would just really like to include it in my post <3

(in the fanfiction request, between Origin and Hawaii Five-O, I would like to add...
The Orville :: Isaac/Gordon with Gordon h/c
...please and thank you :)


bookaddict88 November 24 2018, 03:59:40 UTC
That's a minor change, so go ahead. Thanks for checking first!


green_wing November 24 2018, 04:14:34 UTC
Wonderful, thank you so much! I'm just making the change now, so you can check it afterwards if you need to <3


doomdays November 24 2018, 02:45:51 UTC
Hi, I have a question? I think I'm just being a bit slow, but I post the list on my own journal, yes? Do I need to link it anywhere here or do I just look around at my friends' journals to see if they have list up?

Okay, I actually did my homework and read up, haha! So, I post directly to the community, yes? Am I allowed to post a link to my list on my own journal for my friends to see? :) (Sorry for all the questions!)


bookaddict88 November 24 2018, 03:59:03 UTC
Yes and yes. :)


doomdays November 24 2018, 05:06:21 UTC

One last question (sorry!): My Amazon list is broken up into category lists, so if I'm asking for books, can I link that category, but also link another category in say, pet stuff? Like, it's all part of my Amazon list, just in ordered sections, if that makes sense?


bookaddict88 November 25 2018, 18:24:15 UTC
Yep, so long as it's all Amazon and all the same account, I'd say that's probably fine.


(The comment has been removed)

kindergoth December 2 2018, 02:52:23 UTC
Hi there! What seems to be the trouble?


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