Sep 15, 2008 15:31

WHEN: Week 01, 'Big Bang Theory, Sunday December 3rd, 2008, 8:30 PM
WHERE: All over the school, but mainly in the Great Hall and foyer
WHO: EVERYONE! Whether they knowingly go into the battle with the DA, DE, ORDER, FUKD, or whether they're innocent and caught in the crosshairs!

And here I dreamt I was a soldier... )

morgan gravenor, adriana winters, gwen gravenor, lexi winchester

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Comments 125

TO THE RAVENCLAW COMMON ROOM! morgan_gravenor September 16 2008, 06:02:23 UTC
Instant chaos.

It erupted like fireworks, setting off in a matter of minutes -- maybe seconds.

Morgan was playing chess in the common room when the panic began, loud booms sounding from the walls, nobody sure where they were coming from or why. The array of students were yelling and asking questions, the eldest trying to gather everyone and keep them calm, urging them to stay where they were.


Morgan shot up from her seat, goosebumps lining her arms.

There wasn't even time to question where her sister might be or how dangerous and foolish it was to try and leave the common room. There was no hesitation; she was going to find her.

Ignoring the screeches of disapproval from the Fat Lady, Morgan ran out the portrait hole and down the corridor, wand at the ready.


Re: TO THE RAVENCLAW COMMON ROOM! chen_takurai September 16 2008, 06:16:29 UTC
He was getting sick. He was sooo nauseous. His head was in a tizzy, and he could barely walk straight ( ... )


Re: TO THE RAVENCLAW COMMON ROOM! morgan_gravenor September 16 2008, 06:55:10 UTC
She barely noticed how long she had been running for, just kept running. Gwen, Gwen, Gwen. She just had to find Gwen and be sure she was okay. Stuff her in a closet, or lock her in her school trunk. Yes, something like that. Anything that would mean she'd be safe!

Morgan rushed about the last corridor to the tower that housed the Ravenclaw common room, when her train of thought was interrupted as she spotted a shadowy figure up ahead, simeoutaneously as a threatening voice loomed out to her.

Bloody Merlin balls! She was going to end up snake food.

"WHOA! OI!" Morgan called out, black shoes echoing with a shreech as she froze mid-step. Her hands went up almost instintively, breathing heavily and in need of catching more oxygen.


Re: TO THE RAVENCLAW COMMON ROOM! chen_takurai September 17 2008, 02:01:34 UTC
The same things were running through Chen's mind, playing the worried sibling role. Where was Kazu? He had to keep him somewhere locked up before he did anything STUPID. Like a bathroom. Yes, the boy's bathroom would be the perfect place for him!

He didn't know what was going to happen next, but he figured he'd better do something fast! This person was probably a Death Eater going to kill him! He was going to die, he was sooo dead!

Wait... Gryffindor robes?

"Ah..!" Chen yelped, growing a little crimson in the face. Well, what was he getting so worked up for? Now he just felt silly for worrying! He smiled at Morgan, blushing deeper.

"Ah, right. Sorry about that!" he laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

He'd seen this girl before... She was Gwen's sister! What was her name... Morgan! Chen smiled again before quickly realizing the time and place. They were in the middle of battle!


LIBRARY. lexi_winchester September 16 2008, 06:22:52 UTC
Oh, this was all too familiar and all too frightening. This was a nightmare she didn't want to relive anytime soon, but here it was, playing out all over again similar to last years' attack at Hogsmeade.

At least it wasn't dementors, right?

Adrenaline started doing its job for Lexi as she reacted to the attacks, bolting. and meanwhile she couldn't stop the pounding in her chest, the wish that Thatch was here because he'd know exactly what to do - and yet at the same time how stupid it was to want him here in the line of danger. NO, it was a great thing that he was far away and so was Isaac and her other friends, they were safe ( ... )


Re: LIBRARY. gwen_gravenor September 16 2008, 15:32:13 UTC
Why did this have to happen now? At least Gwen had been in one of her most favorite places in the world if she had to die tonight. Certainly, that was not going to happen though, if she had anything to say about it. Why had the Death Eaters made the decision to attack the school? Harry Potter was no longer attending. It made no obvious sense to her, despite rumors that Order and Death Eater members were placed amongst the staff.

She had been in the library, attending to her school work when it happened. Loud bangs from all over the castle. Gwen noticed an older Gryffindor girl begin to instruct the other students about. Where was Madame Pince? Shouldn't she be doing that and not a student?

Gwen had started to do what she had asked, however. She closed her books and sat behind a bookself. She grasped her wand tightly in her hand, hoping for the safety of others as she glanced around.

Morgan..Morgan knew how to protect herself, and surely she was in her common room. It did occur to her that Morgan had come to look for her. Gwen ( ... )


Base of the Grand Staircase. loopdeelou September 16 2008, 06:26:04 UTC
She never knew she could run so fast, especially when she knew what it was for.

A look around the foyer told her many things she did not want to know-- there were ten of them, all hooded and masked, and there were more students, many of whom actually seemed to be holding their own.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw a blonde-headed figure she knew very well lying at the floor with Andy and Li. But... but Bacchus was moving, and she didn't see any blood, so he mustn't be hurt too bad. Or maybe it was something that didn't cause blood.

At least he was alive.

She scanned around for Illiad, but found him not. He must be safe, then... he must not have come...or else he's... her stomach knotted as she saw one of the dark figures. No. Illiad would never...

A curse skimmed across her face, cutting her cheek and she winced. She couldn't let her concentration skip.

"INCENDIO!" she bellowed at whoever had thrown the curse at her, flicking her wand back at them, only to draw it back and make a shield charm.


Re: Base of the Grand Staircase. adriana_winters September 16 2008, 06:47:39 UTC
She wouldn't be Adriana Winters if she didn't make a unique sort of entrance.

Fashionably late, if you will.

But no, that sounded far too much like something Tatiana would say.

In ANY case, it was time for the fun to begin. The usual assignments were thrilling, absolutely, but being able to take part in an attack on Hogwarts itself was particularly fun.

She had mostly been staying towards the back, observing the other Death Eaters beginning to curse and hex the pathetic excuses for an army. She didn't need to go out guns blazing just yet - she had her reason for being here and she certainly wasn't going to waste her energy on random students ( ... )


Re: Base of the Grand Staircase. loopdeelou September 16 2008, 07:02:57 UTC
Louvika screamed. How could she not?! She hadn't known that there was a Death Eater behind her, and so she hadn't even put off a shield. The blasting hex had missed her just as she stepped to the side to avoid another one, but it literally blew the floor out from underneath her.

What had she gotten herself into?

Laying on the floor in the small pit that Adriana had created, Lou looked up the staircase and saw the dark figure-- she most certainly spelled out 'DOOM' to the girl's grey eyes.

But she was a Gryffindor, and further more, she was a Hawkins. She did not go unsmiling into the darkness. She didn't even go calmly.

She'd fist-fight the Grim Reaper if she needed to.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, face contorted with rage, the very picture of the Celtic warrior in battle--angry for the attack on her life, and going to take it out on whatever got in her path.


Re: Base of the Grand Staircase. adriana_winters September 17 2008, 00:46:33 UTC
The scream was appreciated, set the mood for the whole "evil death eater standing behind you"!

Grim Reaper? Not far off, possibly.

Reacting instantly, Adriana shifted to her right, Lou's spell hitting a statue vase at the top pillar of the stairs, cracking it on impact. "There is no need to take it out on the castle," she called out, shaking her head with disapproval. Of course, ignoring the large hole that was at the base of the staircase now.

"And here I was, might be willing to give this back to you-" pausing, Adriana pulled out a Victorian-looking pendant on a long chain from her robes, one that she just so happened to pluck from Lou's dear old Mum. Wand still in her right, she dangled the piece of jewelry from her left hand, a taunting gesture as she slowly descended a couple stairs.

"I certainly have no use for such rubbish, so I'll tell you what, lower your wand... and you can have it back."


Corridor comc_macthorne September 16 2008, 15:44:53 UTC
With wand at the ready, Mac moved carefully along the corridors, looking for stray students and Death Eaters. He had been outside at the pens when the commotion started, and had snuck back in through a passage way that led outside. He had used it on several occasions while he had attended Hogwarts himself. His memory served him well.

He moved quickly around corners as he came to them. He knew he had to get downstairs where all the action was, where the vulnerable and frightened students were.


IN the Great Hall - at the tables peterquince September 17 2008, 02:11:33 UTC
Peter was laughing as he and a friend tried to create the largest pile of cards! And with Exploding Snap cards the tips of their hair were already slightly singed with the previous failures.

He was reaching out and was about to place the last card on the top when the screaming started. He whipped his head around and heard the sounds of curses being sent and suddenly frowned. What was happening? Why were people screaming? What was going on?!?!

And then the yelling of Death Eaters grew louder and people began panicking and running. But Peter couldn't run, he had to help! Death Eaters were supposed to be bad, right? And Gryffindor's were supposed to be good. So he should help.

Ignoring any things that professors or prefects were telling him, he got out his wand and started to look around for someway to help. Maybe he could block the way! Like those action guys who rolled on the ground and shot at the bad guys as the other people ran behind him. Peter could TOTALLY do that!!!


Re: IN the Great Hall - at the tables sum_unwholebody September 17 2008, 02:26:14 UTC
Uhm, no.

Sorrows saw the young man looking like he was going to escape from the crowd and diverted him immediately, approaching. He did his best to look as teachery and scary as possible-- the little ones didn't listen unless you did.

"Come now, lad, tis best to get up to Gryffindor tower with your fellows," he chided him, clear blue eyes wide.

"There will be time to be a hero later, when you are older, this I promise," he didn't like making that promise, but he knew it was true-- this battle, sometimes, felt like it would never end.

He then got an idea.

"Will you do me a favor?" he asked the little one.


Re: IN the Great Hall - at the tables peterquince September 17 2008, 02:32:59 UTC
Teachery and scary? Please, Peter was immune to anything that was scary. Take, for instance, the fact that there were Death Eaters outside the door and instead of running off scared for his little life he was pouting like Sorrows had just told him he couldn't have any more cake.

"But I can't! I'm a Gryffindor. All the Gryffindor's are out there!" He pointed towards the attack and tried to look as grownup and brave as he could. Peter was old enough to do anything! He could even fly on a broom! His dad couldn't even do THAT!

"A favor?" Oh now his interest was peaked.


Re: IN the Great Hall - at the tables sum_unwholebody September 17 2008, 02:41:24 UTC
Oh he knew the Gryffindor arguement. The little ones always used that when there was danger, didn't they? And how noble of them. But Peter might do well to remember that it was the teachers who cared for him who weren't able to do everything and that might end up with Peter being very hurt.

But Sorrows figured he had him hooked with the favor idea.

"Will you go to Gryffindor Tower and make sure everyone is alright up there?" he asked, bending down a little to reiterate his point.

"I know I can't make it up all those stairs so quick, but I know you can. Get up there and tell everyone to be very careful, to stay in their dorms and not leave until they hear from me, alright?"

But, of course, a child like Peter wouldn't be contented with this.

"I need to ask you another favor as well," he said, feeling Sum brush against his legs.

"Sum's paws are bad and I know he won't be able to stay around here, scared as he gets in fights like this. Will you take him with you and protect him?"


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