
Jul 27, 2008 01:29

Title: Silence
Series: Something that starts with "S", part seventeen
Character: Jack & Ianto, guest appearances from Gwen, Martha, Tom & Rhys
Rating: Oh, WAY NC-17
Summary: Jack, Ianto, a boardgame. Do you need a map?
A/N: for horizonssing day 27. Its Smut Sunday again! Bibs, ice, whatever warning you need. Apologies to those who will be scarred by what is done to their favorite board game.

After the Anglesey incident, it was decided that Jack and Ianto needed some downtime in the relative safety of Cardiff. As long as their extracurricular activities didn't take place in the hub, it probably wouldn't cause sexually frustrated weevils to go on rampages. With only about a month to go before Jack burst, they decided it was time to focus on getting the new house set to right.

Mrs. Gregory and her daughter had jumped on Jack's offer to buy; it was a fair price for both parties, and without the extra fees of estate agents, they all made out well. They continued to stay mostly in Ianto's upstairs flat while renovations were carried out on the lower levels; but the day finally arrived when they could make the house their own.

"We should have a house warming. Get the others to buy us stuff, always a good idea." Jack smiled at Ianto as they were putting the last of their clothes in the closets. "We could have dinner, play some games. It would be fun." Ianto eyed him suspiciously, but said nothing. "Come on, please? I saw board games in one of those boxes you put in the nursery. I can show you how much fun it could be?"

Ianto rolled his eyes, he could see where this was going.


Ianto was gasping, trying to keep himself from sliding across the new granite countertops because he was so slick with sweat as Jack pushed into him deeper and harder with each stroke. If anything, Ianto was growing frustrated as all hell because Jack used a short length of kitchen twine as an impromptu cock ring on him so even if he wanted to come (and he really, really wanted to come thank you very much) he couldn't. It was little comfort in Ianto's lust soaked mind that at least he wasn't having to listen to Jack as he was currently gagged with one of the new white tea towels.

"Oh god! Right there, yes!" Ianto was losing track of his thoughts as Jack finally released the twine from his painful dick and he came with a shudder from head to toe.

Jack yanked the gag out of his mouth and joined Ianto in his orgasm and shouted, "I win!" Before collapsing onto Ianto's belly.

Once he felt his legs might work, Ianto used the tea towel to clean them up and handed Jack a card. "Sorry, but no." Before pulling him away.


Ianto took another sip of the cabernet before slowly taking the head of Jack's dick in his mouth. Jack's breath hitched as the alcohol lightly burned his sensitive glans. Ianto slowly ran his tongue around the tip, pushing some more wine down into the foreskin causing Jack to almost jump from the dining room chair. The cutlery fell from the table and Ianto eyed the large bread knife that just missed hitting him. He grabbed Jack's hips to keep him rooted in place as he slowly swallowed all of Jack's hard length down until his nose was tickled by soft hair at the base. He felt Jack jolt as he gulped the last of the wine down around the weight of Jack's cock in his throat. Ianto slowly pulled away from Jack, dragging his teeth along so he could watch the shivers run through him. With a sloppy pop, Ianto drank a little more wine, then poured a bit more over Jack's groin before diving in to lick up all of the running purple liquid.

"Fuck! That stings you brat!" Jack nearly screamed as wine trickled down.

Ianto only hummed as he deftly sucked one, then both of Jack's balls into his mouth; slowly running his tongue over each to carefully remove any trace before letting them fall free. With a wicked grin he blew cool breath over them to witness the contraction and feel Jack's thighs constrict. With one long pass of his tongue from base to tip, Ianto returned to sucking on Jack with earnest, each time sinking all the way down and then creating as much suction as possible as he rose back to the tip. He felt Jack's toes curl and was ready as Jack's heady ejaculate began to pump slowly into his mouth. The saltiness blended well with the oak undertones of the cabernet.

Ianto waited for Jack to soften before releasing him with a last lick. Jack grinned down at him and Ianto was preparing for his invariable victory when Jack dropped the small plastic piece on the floor. "Nope."


Ianto wasn't sure what was worse, the fact that he was naked and blindfolded in the glass walled room, or that Jack was tormenting him by lightly dragging a feather over his body. He nearly screamed when the feather ran around his nipple right before Jack bit down hard. Ianto grabbed for the edge of the Axminster rather than admitting defeat.

He nearly howled as the first drop of superheated fluid landed on his dick and rapidly cooled. "Bloody hell that hurts!" Ianto barely had the curse out before more wax dripped down his cock and pooled at the base. Ianto could feel the heat spreading through his body and his breath coming quicker. He shivered as Jack's hand tightly clamped around his abused erection and cracked the wax away. With lights flashing in his eyes, Ianto felt cool lube fill his foreskin and slide down in a chilly echo of the heated wax. Jack's warm hand tightened around his shaft and slowly twirled from bottom to top, taking extra care to run the flat of his thumb roughly over the slit in his glans. He felt the feather lightly tickle his hole and with a quick gasp his came hard and quick over his stomach and Jack's strong hand. Jack pumped him slowly through the last pulses of his nervous system.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Jack smiled as he pulled the blindfold off. His expression fell as Ianto reached for another card.


Jack's head was resting against the golden yellow wall of the hallway, the smell of gunpowder and cleaning fluid strong in his nose as Ianto dragged the unloaded Webley down the bumps of his spine. He tensed at the combined feeling of Ianto pressing into him swiftly and the Webley's hammer carefully pinching the skin of his side. Each of Ianto's thrusts was matched to a new and imaginative application of the Webley, the cylinder rolling from the base of his cock up to his chest nearly undid Jack but Ianto quickly pushed in deeper and Jack's finger dug into the freshly painted plaster. With a sharp grunt, Ianto turned the Webley over so that he could press the barrel against Jack's erection and being pumping both in counterpoint to his own thrusts.

"Jeez Ianto! You've taken cleaning the barrel to new heights!" Jack laughed manically as he lost control and began to coat the wall with semen. His rapid contractions were enough to pull Ianto along with him and Ianto pounded each pulse deep into Jack's body before pressing against his back to regain his breath.

Jack shifted slightly, unable to support both his and Ianto's weight. He kissed Ianto, "you get to fix the wall by the way," and dropped the yellow game piece in his hand.


"You really are a demented boy scout, aren't you? Fuck! That's cold Jack!" Ianto shuddered as Jack just smiled around his cock. The cold spanner handle was making him shiver as it slipped inside him. "What was the tool kit doing in here anyway?" Ianto distinctly remembered putting it back in the closet so how it ended up in the lounge was anyone's guess.

Jack just kept nibbling along the underside of Ianto's dick, compressing the large swollen vein running on the underside. Looking up to see Ianto breathing deeply to restrain himself, Jack rotated the spanner around so it twirled within Ianto's body and tugged with his teeth on his scrotum at the same time. Ianto's eyes shot open and he grabbed a throw pillow and buried his face in it to shout far too loudly. Jack enjoyed the vibrations as he swallowed Ianto down.

Ianto's willpower was running low and Jack decided it was time, so he pressed firmly away at the top of the spanner so the handle would press back towards Ianto's groin and compress his prostate in a way fingers never could. With a quick dragging of teeth up and down his shaft, Ianto lost control and came quickly into Jack's waiting mouth. Jack held tight to the spanner, feeling Ianto's muscle contract and release wildly along its length before finally relaxing enough for him to pull it free.

Jack slowly slid up Ianto's body on the sofa and kissed him, letting Ianto taste himself in Jack's mouth.

"I win." Jack smiled.

Ianto pressed the game piece into his hand, "wrong."


"You cheated! I never lose!" Jack's words came out between his sharp breaths.

"I didn't cheat. You just failed to think this one through." Ianto nipped at Jack's exposed underarm while grinding their erections against each other. "Admit it Jack, I won." Ianto scratched down his sides which caused Jack to rise on his toes and squeek.

"You undo these and I'll admit anything you want!" Jack tugged hard, but the exposed pipe was holding fast and the shackles were sturdy.

"Quiet Jack, your in a library." Ianto bit on Jack's tongue to stifle his words. Ianto's red shirt's unbuttoned sides stuck to Jack's sweaty naked body and remained plastered to his own back. "Show some respect to the books."

Jack sucked on Ianto's mouth trying to swallow the smirk off his face as he arched his back from the wall to get more contact with Ianto's body. Ianto wrapped his hands around Jack's waist and pushed so that their dicks would hit head to head before sliding along the shafts. Jack lifted a leg to wrap around Ianto pulling him in closer. Ianto smiled and pressed his erection under Jack's so it slid over his perineum which was usually enough to push Jack over the edge in an instant.

"You!" Ianto quickly covered Jack's mouth with his own and ran his tongue over Jack's teeth. At the resulting whimper, they quieted and slowly kissed and tasted each other while Ianto gently rocked back and forth building the pressure between them. Ianto kissed Jack's jaw, then throat before flattening his tongue and dragging it from nipple to armpit; stopping his hips for a moment. Jack responded by trying to pull Ianto even closer, but finally had to put his foot back on the ground to release the strain on his arms. Ianto rested his nose in the crook of Jack's neck before reaching up and releasing the shackles and running his hands down Jack's arms as they fell. Jack quickly grabbed Ianto's waist as Ianto copied him and together they frantically pressed their groins hard into each other as the sweat poured down.

"Say it Jack." Ianto growled between frantic gasps. "Say it!"

Jack howled "alright! you win!" And shuddered as he coated both himself and Ianto with his orgasm. Ianto wasn't sure if it was the fact that he won or that he was really ready, but he came with equal force making a warm mess between their two wrung out bodies.

They sunk to the floor, carefully trying not to tip over the full bookcase, still holding each other tightly around the waist. Ianto rolled slightly to the side making sure not to crush Jack's belly. "Miss Scarlet, the library, with the pipe."

Jack smiled as his eyes closed.


Martha was sitting at the kitchen bar as Ianto opened another bottle of wine for the party. Tom and Rhys were busy checking out the conservatory where Ianto had set up the food while Gwen was getting another tour of the freshly remodeled house from Jack. "So, what are you going to do with your flat upstairs? You aren't planning to leave it empty are you?" Martha was fishing to find out; she and Tom were currently living in a miserable little flat because they'd moved so quickly and needed something fast.

"I was going to rent it out, any ideas?" Ianto grinned at her knowingly.

"Oi, if you know everything then just say okay already. Besides, you could do worse than two medical doctors upstairs." Martha slapped at him.

Ianto shot back, "I don't know, I mean, I do live a quite sedentary life; I'm not sure I could handle the high drama of medical professionals so close. Besides, we just redid the ceilings; I wouldn't want plaster falling down on me because of newlyweds."

Martha threw a napkin at his head, "so long as you insulated really well it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone should complain it should be me- I like my sleep."

"Ianto? I found a stack of board games. Why don't we play one? It'll be fun." Gwen was smiling as she carried in the game boxes. Ianto shot a look at Jack who was trying his hardest to look innocent. Ianto gave Gwen a tight smile, hoping she'd pick one of the others.

"Cluedo! I haven't played that in years. Let's have a go at that." Rhys said excitedly. Martha noticed the bright flush to Ianto's ears and gave a quick glance at Jack. "Oi, some of the pieces are missing."

"Oh, sorry about that. I must have misplaced them. Why not pick something else." Ianto quickly closed the box and made to put it on a shelf. Martha elbowed Gwen and rolled her eyes at Jack and Ianto.

It only took Gwen a moment to do the math and she blurted,"Oh my god!" And wrapped her hands over her mouth to stifle the laughter. Martha was snickering to herself as well- completely ignoring the nonplussed looks she was getting from both Tom and Rhys.

Tom turned to Jack, "care to explain?" Rhys looked to see what he was missing.

Ianto walked back in with a charades set and said, "Jack cheats, he always cheats. But he lost that time."

The story continues in Showtime

horizonssing, jack/ianto, starts with s, gwen, fic, porn, martha, torchwood

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